Industrial VIDEO

n.b. What seems simple is the most complex. working with
exhaust chimneys, industrial sounds, repetitions, I'm on a
Marine Band harmonica in G (yes, _that_ low G), Azure with
video. Otherwise pan across hospital grounds, machinery around
an electric generation plant, or what is useless repetition,
sound disappearing, cut off by the AGC (automatic gain
control), choices made in the interior. Static replacing
dynamic, stasis, dead-bolt movement or none at all, living in
the grit-anthropocene. Kept thinking Godard, Jean-Luc, what
would you think of this, given your somewhat recent films, I
apologize greatly that I have no access to a cruise ship, but
my two legs take me there (down near the port (there are no
cruise ships at the port)), I try so hard for spiritual
perfection, the exact moment undercut by uncontained sinter.
Oh, these results with their strange repetitive beauty,
heralding one way or another, world's end, rust and plastic
into the ground! beneath the ground! Into the water! Hip!
Hooray! Cinema begins and ends! Cinema begins!

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