Hey thanks chaps, I sure enjoyed making the music and filming my drawings.
It was a good day, energy seemed abundant - after, I think, a good sleep - the
Where the cells seem to cry
Out with joy, each cell its little soul singing a tune.
Sent from my spyphone
> On 18 Oct 2022,
Lovely! And I agree that the music and the drawing are a good match for
each other.
On 10/18/22 12:40 AM, Simon Mclennan via NetBehaviour wrote:
A single track from a new compilation of songs as yet unpublished.
I hope to publish this year - it has been a while in the making -
about t
Hi Simon,
The music sounds amazing - the video really works as well :-)
https://marcgarrett.org/cv/Dr Marc Garrett. He/Him.
Co-founder of Furtherfield & DECAL Decentralised Arts Lab.
Current book - Frankenstein Reanimated: Creation & Technology in the 21st
Century. Co-edi
Hi Simon,
Really like this; everything works wonderfully together and the video of
the drawings-in-creation is mysterious vis-a-vis the lighting.
Congratulations and looking forward to the album!
Best, Alan (I 've slowed up on my daily posting again, but have wanted to
put up two new musics, mayb
A single track from a new compilation of songs as yet unpublished.
I hope to publish this year - it has been a while in the making - about two
I'd like to release this on vinyl. hey ho.
This single track the most recent and paired with an edited film of