

Stephen Dydo, violin, Alan Sondheim, guitar

For some reason not necessarily to my liking, this music
reminded me of people in the 1920s or 30s and the idea of
apocalypse . I'm not sure why that really appeared . But
apocalypse has been haunting me for a long time and I think it
came out at least on my end in this music. What I mean is that
the word is generally used to indicate a diminution or
extinction of life on the planet. We think of apocalypse now
as the death of a lot of humans at war period maybe some
subsidiary animals . As well . Or maybe not but I was thinking
of when the ivory billed woodpecker died , for the last few
that remained, that was apocalypse. There's a famous film of a
bird, I forget which species, help me, singing forlorn on a
branch. It was explained he was the last of his species,
calling for a mate, and there was none, none anywhere in the
world. Apocalypse isn't human centered, although we're now
more than responsible for it, for close to total devastation.
I think Of this music which responds to me with a certain
sadness and a certain history dash both dash all intertwined .
I think of this music as a commentary honest task that never
seems to end. The twilight is turning to a night of
disappearance and there is no end in sight, no one to witness
such an end , as we all pass on before it, or within it , and
nothing will be to come or remain . For me, I speak just for
me , this is eternal, but an eternal that seems to be coming
closer and closer, with no sign , no warning , and we will all
fall , now or before , or then, however then , within it

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