[7;13H13: tree = 1. [8;13H14: trek = 1. [9;13H15: true = 1.
3000 meters and began our slow trek northward. We went passed
fallen [8;13H14: trek = 1. [7;13H13: tree = 1. [8;13H14: trek
= 1. [9;13H15: true = 1.

Not much cull for "trek" -
The video - fast forwarding through Facebook cover images -
whatever they're called - only several dozen - rest
disappeared from the process - but the audio - again working
with analog Sony TC 125-Sd - Dolby etc. - cassette transferred
to .wav - sent to Adobe Audition for post - next time will
keep it raw - long story short - this is the result - quite
pleased with the sound - very different of course - high end
compressed but cuts out somewhat lower - three instruments
used - not very good at but there are the timbres - the large
viola bowed/plucked (sounds a lot better than recording direct
on digital) - then the Afghan rebab - played first as usual
then space then working with the sympathetic strings - which
still do not stay in tune (need to work on those) - then
jinashi shakuhachi - all recorded with the usual Realistic
electret stereo mic - that's technically electret condenser
mic -

The trek images imply/implicate the tangled journey of all of
this on literally no sleep yet again, rumbling through things
- Adobe Premiere appeared with the settings off all over the
place - took a while - I sound like a boy on a bike in 1950
which I might have been - chains or something come off then
what do you do - well fission and fusion bombs undergoing
tests a bit elsewhere - Cold War turning hot into Vietnam - I
rummaged through universities and personal confusions - kept
on writing - is that okay to say - "kept on" as if "kept off"
might have gone somewhere else - lost track here - I was only
gonna say man what a day - its groovy using this old stuff and
making - makin? - music again - first time in years - founmd
my groove - only analog rebab in town most likely - think
maybe rubab is the real name - seems different - lost again
and pulling out of the 60s - here we are some music and image
- would love to say O History! - just did -
6 minutes ago
Some rough playing here - rebab and viola held awkwardly over
the mics - so it goes. Someday I'll get into a real studio..


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