Excellent. Best of luck with it. Look forward to listening!
On Sun, 16 Feb 2020 at 16:02, Annie Abrahams via NetBehaviour <
netbehaviour@lists.netbehaviour.org> wrote:
> *Utterings* is a project by* Annie Abrahams* (FR) and *Daniel Pinheiro*
> (PRT) with *Constança Carvalho Homem* (PRT), *Curt C
Sounds really wonderful!
love Alan
NetBehaviour mailing list
*Utterings* is a project by* Annie Abrahams* (FR) and *Daniel Pinheiro*
(PRT) with *Constança Carvalho Homem* (PRT), *Curt Cloninger* (US), *Nerina
Cocchi* (BE) and *Derek Piotr* (US) as invited artists and collaborators.
*Utterings* will be broadcast live online and on a radio spatial system