eight in any order


All of us: Our Horror

What is this this holocaust? What is this? What is your name?
So mark give me a list an enumeration of names. Give me names
wherether alive or dead. Do not tell me. Give me a list of

There is no our holocaust. There are holocausts. There are
written and there are unwritten. There are tracks and untracks.
There are untrackings.

we all bear witness. bare witness. we are all already there. we
are all on the precipice. now. the immanent, imminent. now.

To bear witness, to bare witness. Danger accompanies it. There
is always danger. Already there is always danger. For all of us.
For weather. For the weather for all of us.

I read and I read and I read about holocaust. I read and I read
and I read and I tried to understand. I was born during the
holocaust. A holocaust. I will see dates that remind me that I
was one or two during a/the holocaust said I was there as a
child but not there but somewhere else somewhere displaced
during the holocaust I was somewhere displaced. And the more I
read the more I realize I do not understand. I understand the
mathematics the additions and subtractions. But I do not
understand. I am in tears because I was not there. And I am in
tears because I am here. It was always a displacement it was
always something like a displacement. There is nothing I can do
about that it is the obdurate will of history. There is nothing
but a blankness a void annihilism and annihilation . It's so far
and it's so close at the same time period it's right next door
within me. It's right within me not next door but in this
dwelling it is dwelling within me. I can't escape it I was born
at the wrong time in the wrong place where I was born in such a
way that I survived by not being there when I should have been
there. I should have been there in space. I was there in time
period I was there in time period and I can't live with this
period I can't live with this period when I see this happening
over and over again constantly the same thing the same old
stories just not as organized. Just not as well done. Just not
as violent on such a scale. As violent on any scale. Without
recourse. But right now it is the same in so many places such a
scale and no recourse. No resort to anything. Nothing. It is
always what I wrote about years ago : annihilation!: to the
limit! It was always that way and always will be that way as
long as I live as long as it dwells like it can't serve within
me . When I think what is to be done which is the age of a old
question I have no answer whatsoever. I can't imagine what could
be done what could be different. I am always on the verge and
lip always on the edge of the cliff of the holocaust of a
holocaust of a genocide. My work stems from this even while it
pretends to be otherwise to be philosophy to be sexuality to be
phenomenology to be geography to be nature to be the natural
world. But there is nothing natural in this period there is
nothing natural in the machine. Nothing natural at all. Nothing
but the edge of a cliff which is so sharp that it drives all of
us to extinction. My mind is being extinguished now. I can smell
it. I can smell the flesh. I You smell that I should have been
there. I can smell that I am displaced. That I am displaced from
myself and from others. That I can't make heads or tails of this
period that I can't say anything. That I am falling into a grave
a mass grave. And I don't know the names of anyone. Not least of
all myself.

to read, to have read. we read, we read. past and present. the
same letters. sounding different, past and present blur into one
state. exactly that, one state. one state which does this. in
all of us. this one state.

It's so ugly to say this but I don't mind the mathematics. They
don't hide anything they don't articulate anything. It's not as
if there are a call to action. It's not as if there are anything
like a knife cutting my throat. They're just there. They're just
dead wood. They reflect things and I'm not sure what it is that
they reflect. A call to inaction is just as bad with the one
goes from 0 to 1 or whether 1 goes from 1 to 0A call or an
absence of a call are coming forth or Going back going beyond
reversal it's the same thing. In the end it's all dead. It's
like watching and walking across lava that is just pure and
continues to spill in-and-out of your waking and sleeping
moments for your entire life. Knowing that some people are doing
just that period knowing that some people are exactly there in
that situation. Unable to do anything about that period unable
to do anything but watch and feel accepted And I've guilt and
hard that 1 was not there. This isn't the horror of not being a
victim. It's an ontological horror it's a horror of being itself
it's a horror when Being can produce such.

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At us. from us.

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