dear list, we have a premier today, you can listen and watch!


April 20, 7pm CET 
live stream on the site!

Batida + AGF 
, with the ensemble Contrechamps, 
and the festival Archipel in Geneva 

more info:

In the early days of the computer age, tedious calculations were considered a 
woman's job, which explains the term "kilogirl", coined by a member of the 
Applied Mathematics Panel in the early 1940s. One kilogirl was equivalent to 
about a thousand hours of computational work.

Ensemble Batida and the musician and producer AGF collaborated remotely for 
several months to compose a new work: sharing texts, ideas, sounds and 
inspirations resulted in inter-codes, images and musical notes. The spinal 
column of the piece, AGF's poem, created following an exchange with Internet 
users on Twitter, gives birth to the figure of the kilogirl, emerging from the 
anonymity of the common mathematical effort to take its independence and 
develop its own powers.

"kil0Girl$" is composed of five parts: Float at the start of movement, Super 
Heroes, Impossible Mathematics, Multi.complexion, Stop freeze people's mind. 
Each one is based on a code, inspired as much by the birds' dialogue as by 
secret communication or computer coding processes. Electronics and acoustics 
blend into a common language, carried by eleven performers on stage: five 
percussionists travel between different specialized "workstations", while 
keyboards and samplers frame the quartet (violin, viola, cello, 
clarinet/contrabassa clarinet).

From individual impulses to the common task, the compositional processes unfold 
a wide range of sound relationships. The use of letters, numbers, gestures and 
notes follows factory logic, animal logic, machine logic.

Composition and electronics: Antye Greie-Ripatti (AGF) and Ensemble Batida 
(Jeanne Larrouturou, Anne Briset, Alexandra Bellon, Raphaël Krajka and Viva 
Sanchez Reinoso)
Scenography: Batida Ensemble

Poem: AGF, based on an original idea from a Twitter chat with Georgina Conroy 
(@scarygeorge) following a post by Belinda Barnet (@manjusrii) about the book 
'Broad Band' by Claire L. Evans
Musicians : Ensemble Contrechamps and Ensemble Batida
Electronics: AGF
Sound engineer: David Poissonnier
Commissioned by Ensemble Contrechamps

⤇ #feministsonictechnologies #kil0girls
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