no regards, Yom Kippur

Afghani rebab improvisation with tabla improvisation;
the latter is extremely slowed down, perhaps something
like 400 times? The two are combined. The rebab is
recorded at normal speed. I think of this as chthonic,
in other words

thinking about Yom Kippur and my life, our lives, such
as they are. realizing the only relative I feel close
to is one of my cousins, the rest would rather not
hear from me at all. I grew up in what might be called
a schtetl in Pennsylvania, it was close-knit. Now we
are fundamentally on our own. In a sense every day for
me is Yom Kippur and that is not a way to live. Azure
is wonderful and we are close together. Every morning
I atone for myself and as if for everyone else. I wake
that way and that is not a way to live. The music
reflects all of this as well. Music and love and
keeping close are ways to live. The world abjures. I
will try to be better. Enjoy the music.

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