the image thing image , language vision, vision

*/written in the middle of the night, transformed by
voice to text, the original object lost, what was for
example descending, what global shifts occurred. then
there is the surface of the mistranslation, nothing
recuperable, perhaps the effects of migraine imaging.
i think what i was seeing might have been within the
retina. i remember thinking if the retina was 'lit' by
random firings in the dark, then what organized them
as looming shapes that the eyes saw in the darkness,
so that you'd have firings -> brain interpretation ->
appearance as if on the identical plane of randomness?/*

The speed at which they descend is
absolutely amazing.The speed at which they
descend is amazing.There is something seen
from the position where they descend.There
is something visible in the horizon which
almost seems to be circular. The horizon
is always coming forth to the center
absorbs a horizon. That is what occurs

appearance of words -

I wait for your words to appear.There is
nothing but blackness blackness in front
of me to the left of me to the right of
Maybe fore and behind me there's nothing
about this. Blackness then the words come
all as a rush or a gush they come as a
waterfall waterfall they certainly form
themselves quickly.  They descend into a
deluge. The water descends into the
deluge that they lose predated for your.
It did preoriginated the water that is
what there was to occur.

landscape, darkness, tree -

What is darkness that there? Is a. Tree?
Blown by the wind leaning precariously in
the middle of a field where no one is
around and no one has ever been questioned.
Mark what is this form of the tree? Is
this a point of origin or might it just be
as good as any other point of origin? Is
it something which prefers itself? Is it
something which draws the concentric
around itself although invisible to
others? Although invisible to itself?

Origin is always circular always self
consuming always contaminating always non
existence always catastrophic always
plainer always present always absent as a
shallow dish. Is this shallow dish
absent in the desert. This is the
definition of origin. The definition is
washed away in the first flash flood that
comes along.

I test the shortness of the sentence as I
test the shortness of breath. Everywhere
around me. There are objects which within
conceivably a story everywhere. Thus this
numerous will disappear when I disappear
when I disappear. The land is always

Of itself.

One wants to believe in landings but
landings, landings are literally under-
foot. Underfoot surrounds us, them you.
The ground is on the ground and under
the ground.

What is underfoot is literally of no
currency and no consequence but what is
underfoot is also a primary ontology a
primary construction and construction of
whatever one might decide the world is.
The world is only what one decides to be.
The world is neither this nor a horse.
A white horse is not a horse. A white
horse can never be a horse. A horse can
never be white. It is both this and that,

(Re Gongsun Long, Baima Lun, Zhuang Zhou,

The world never decides. The world is
never decided. We exist in the most
primitive sense of the word. of the
world. As we were wont to be. As we
think we were wont to be.

When you always look for landings or
stumble across landings or escapes from
landings or lives adjacent to landings or
procures landings were cleanse's. Landings
or dirty's landings or gets rid of
landings and landings. Are there
everywhere sloping towards sloping away
from the subject sloping in-and-out of the
subject dividing the subject into 2? two?
Uniting the subject with both parts
combining the subject with the subject.

A landing is not a place together up or to
call less or to mediate or to meditate or
to separate or to create for the 1st time
in. The history of the universe the idea
of adjacency. It is always adjacency.
It is always a corruption of adjacency
since it is always the separation of
adjacency's adjacence. It is always like
the adjacent strata of rock inconceivably
separated and inconceivably together.

Temporally and physically opaque.

*/perhaps what I am seeing was mind
mining what is retinal and interal
firing, turbulent formations temporary
steady-state with no other message than
that of presence, no result other than

It is always called something and it is
always called as such.

There are never names except as
conveniences that are designed and
employed by sounds at the beginnings of
cultures as people combine and coalesce
themselves into the necessity of the
efficiency of the raster.

A name is always a false lead, and excuse,
an absence, a problematic illness, a
plague, an incurable disease, a. Nd you
rub your, an amputation, a sliding against
another on the river bank which is sliding
against another riverbank.  .

There is neither truth nor literature to
be combined here.There is neither a tree
nor a racket nor a structure nor offense
to be combined here. On the level of the
universe. It is completely inconceivable
that 1 has a sense of belonging or longing
for belonging or be longing for longing
for with absolutely nothing. In the form
of scaffolding no attachments nothing but
pure being already deconstructed by
particle physics sub particle physics any
physics any articulations catastrophes
theories fields geometries beings unbeing
unknown. Dimensional analyses and
theories mathematical talking universe
and worlds into and out of existence in

The simplest thing is at the sense of all
of this is only for us.It has no absolute
meaning of the world. It has no meaning in
the structure of the world it does not
structure the world. It's here as a
convenient fob. It's there here to be
something that we can grasp onto and that
we've made for that purpose and that works

That is what it is and it is not light.


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