Self-Portrait for Worse

He puts up these stupid with some theory-sounding texts, as if
that makes them interesting. He doesn't realize that no one
takes facebook seriously for work and no one has the time to
listen to his stuff day after day. He's aggressive and
irritating; no one should be subjected to the deluge of emails
he sends out. He acts as if he's the only artist or musician or
writer or whatever he is in the world. He's spread too thin,
he's not good at any of these things. He fills my mailbox with
crap day after day. He's got the largest ego of anyone I know.
For that matter, his music is out of tune, his theory is just
nonsense as far as I can tell, and we've seen all of this
before. I can't even sit still to watch his videos. He's driven
to put up something daily, no matter how bad it is. If everyone
did this, and we paid attention, we'd have no time for anything
else. He thinks he's so smart. He thinks he's a genius. He uses
all kinds of abstract words to cover up his inability to think
anything new. No one under the age of thirty pays any attention
to him, they know better. I don't know anyone who's read even
one out of ten of his things. He's miserable in real life,
demanding attention like a prima donna. He thinks other people
have nothing better to do than to read him, if he really thinks
of them at all. He gets defensive immediately if he thinks he's
attacked. His work is far too neurotic to make any sense to
anyone, I don't even think he reads it. He's just showing off
with his music, anyone can play fast, but it takes real skill to
do something interesting. He seems to have some sort of notion
about virtuosity, that it ends with physical skill. His work has
no soul, and it's so down that it seems to be more of a personal
symptom than any real thought. He's always defensive, building
walls around himself, full of self-pity. He can't get out of the
hole he's dug for himself. He doesn't see the glass half-full,
he doesn't even see the glass. I can't stand reading about
misery day after day so I delete the stuff. Facebook isn't for
confession and the miserable, it's for checking in on people,
and seeing what they're doing. He pays no attention to the fact
that people don't want to read anything negative, they have
enough of that in real life. He just pushes his misery onto
everyone, if you let him. He pollutes email lists just as much,
at least you can delete him without looking at the stuff. I
block him, I can't take it any more, he just won't stop. He
expects me to pay maybe ten minutes to read his stuff, well
there are thousands who ask for the same. I don't have time or
energy to have his life barge into mine. He's the worst spammer
on the net as far as I'm concerned. He's not selling anything
I'd ever want to buy. He makes me really uncomfortable. I feel
sorry for his friends but he's always crying he doesn't have
any. I wish he'd crawl back into the hole he came from. He just
brings me down. He must be a horror to anyone who knows him. I
hear he's a real pest. He's a nuisance. I'll be happy when he
finally goes away. I don't want him dead, I don't want anyone
dead, but I'll be happy when his spew just stops. When I know I
can't hear from him anymore. When his name doesn't pop up. I
hope he just disappears.

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