*Just Do It: get off your arse and change the
* is the inside story on the country’s biggest troublemakers.  This upcoming
feature documentary from acclaimed filmmaker Emily
 will be a behind the scenes portrait of UK climate activists.
Allowed privileged access to film the planning, staging, and execution, the
film follows a community of individuals who have picked up the mantle of
civil disobedience and direct action - chaining themselves to Parliament,
super-gluing themselves to bank trading floors, and attacking coal power
stations en-masse.

The film, currently in post-production (that means the edit) is set for
release in Spring 2011 and will be free to watch and free to share. The
project is funded entirely through donations, freeing the film from the
constraints of investors or broadcasters.  Through a totally unique
production model that embraces crowd-funding and the power of working
collectively, this film is breaking new ground in independent production.  But
they need your support.

RIGHT NOW Lush (the soap people) are matching all donations made to the
film, pound for pound up to £10K for a limited time.

The Challenge: £20K in 20 days – you give half, Lush gives half.

There’s never been a better time to show your support to this truly
independent project.  Don’t sit on the fence, throw your contribution into
their online hat and Lush will match your generosity.

Visit www.just-do-it.org.uk to donate.  Do it today, join our crowd and be
part of this pioneering film.
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