The Arts Ecosystem

International Call for Papers

Deadline: 16 December 2017

Curated by Marco Mancuso and Silvia Bertolotti
Cover image by Herman Kolgen, Aftershock Stadium (2016)

Already in 2005 the American environmentalist (and 350.org founder) Bill
McKibben pointed out the lack of awareness about climate change and other
environmental issues, while addressing a specific call for action to arts:
“Oddly, though we know about it, we don’t know about it. It hasn’t
registered in our gut; it isn’t part of our culture. Where are the books?
The poems? The plays? The goddamn operas?”.

We cannot deny the vital role arts and creativity have to play within the
energy and environmental field, especially in the current Anthropocene age,
where the human impact on climate and nature is dominant and undisputed.
Like Josef Koudelka's photographs of lands dominated by head frames, waste
heaps, factory stacks and dried-up lakes freezed showing: “consequences of
the industrial revolution that facilitated an unprecedented upsurge of the
living standards but at the cost of irreversible changes in nature”, Jussi
Parikka’s recent theories included in his book “The Anthrobscene” (2015)
also alert we’re now living in an “environmental wasteland, where media
never die. A toxic scenario in which corporate and human desires as a
geophysical force”.

Diverse are the ways in which artists can contribute to address and deepen
public understanding of environmental topics as climate change, alternative
energy sources etc. In particular networked technologies are more and more
active in the space between local and global, so they can maybe represent a
real opportunity for the environmental crisis we are living, instead of
being a threat factor. In this sense, also the materiality of media and
digital tools themselves urge to a serious questioning about their
molecular compositions, connecting them to deeper analysis on earth

If the Anthropocene Working Group suggests that the first nuclear test at
Los Alamos in 1945 should be considered the milestone for this contemporary
epoch in which modern mechanised industry and the use of fossil fuels have
become the dominant force for changes in our atmosphere, seas and land,
what is the status of the current discussions about environmental issues
and their direct impact on a social, cultural and economic level?

What kind of artistic narratives are proven to be compelling and effective
in raising ecological awareness? What is the challenge for arts and culture
within this scenario? What are the main contributions to the media theories
for the Anthropocene?

We look forward to hearing from you!
Marco Mancuso and Silvia Bertolotti


Technical Details

With this call Digicult aims at researching contributions on the mentioned
topic, especially from individuals active in the artistic and academic
fields (curators, critics, hackers, fabbers, creative producers, lab
managers, activists, designers, theorists, independent and academic
writers, scholars, artists, etc.)

An abstract of 200 words and a full text of max 5000 words, as well as
books, events reviews and interviews (1000 to 2000 words)  should be sent
to: jour...@digicult.it

a) Deadline for submission of full article for consideration
b) File as .doc / .docx / .odt / .txt (no Pdf are allowed)
c) 5 to 10 images at 300 dpi resolution (print resolution) as Zip file
d) correct captions for images
e) please follow the guidelines


Digimag Journal is an interdisciplinary online publication - distributed as
free Pdf, Epub, Mobi and Print on Demand - seeking high-standard articles
and reviews that focus on the impact of the last technological and
scientific developments on art, design, communication and creativity.
Following the former Digimag Magazine, it is based on international call
for papers on given subjects and provides readers with comprehensive
accounts of the latest advancements in the international digital art and
culture scene. It is published by Digicult Editions, for free as Pdf, Epub,
Mobi and in print on demand. Digimag was born as a monthly magazine and
published 72 issues in over 7 years, from 2005 to 2012. It provided readers
with comprehensive accounts of the latest advancements in the international
digital art scene and culture. The magazine Digimag evolved year after
year, issue after issue, morphing into a hybrid instrument able to reflect
the complexity of contemporary artistic and cultural production. It quickly
became a cultural instrument, a tool for academics, researchers, students,
artists, designers, geeks and practitioners connected to the main
international media centers, universities, contemporary art galleries,
digital art festivals and hacktivist networks. In 2015 Digimag become a
quarterly journal based on international call for papers on specific
subjects around media art and media studies. Four more issues were
published until now, focused on: Digimag 73 – Places & Spaces, Digimag 74 –
Uncertainty Reloaded, Digimag 75 – Digital Identities, Self Narratives,
Digimag 76 – Smart Machines for Enhanced Arts


Digicult Editions is the publishing initiative of the Digicult project,
whose goal is to be active in the publication of the Digimag Journal, but
also critical and theoretical books and essays commissioned to
international authors, university thesis of special interest, publications
edited in collaboration with other national and international publishers,
conference proceedings and classes materials connected to educational
activities, as well as peer-reviewed publications with institutional
partners. Digicult Editions uses all the tools of a contemporary digital
publishing: Pdf, Epub, Mobi formats and print on demand, always giving the
chance to join all the previews through the Digicult Library on Issuu
https://issuu.com/home/publisher). All contents by Digicult Editions are
circulating under CC Licences: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0.
<http://www.digicult.it/digimag> <http://www.marcomancuso.net/>
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