a real time audiovisual performance
reflecting the contemporary relevance of
Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland

Korhan Erel, sound composer, Istanbul
in cooperation with 
Alexandra Reill, media artist, Vienna

MAK NITE© 01/2010
Tuesday, January 19th, 2010, 8 pm
MAK - Museum of Applied Arts Vienna
Säulenhalle / MAK Columned Main Hall 

julia margaret cameron, photographic study "Pomona" /
alice liddell as young woman, 1872 (detail) by lewis carroll

Malice in Sonderland deals with Lewis Carroll's famous novel Alice in 
Wonderland (1865). In their audiovisual performance the sound composer Korhan 
Erel, Istanbul, and the media artist Alexandra Reill, Vienna, work with the 
original material of Norman Z. McLeod's feature film Alice in Wonderland shot 
in 1933. With experimental digital methods they research the theme and plot of 
the complex fairy tale and in the framework of the MAK NITE© perform a 
phantasmagoric live interpretation, an improvisation composed of digital worlds 
and abstract sound collages.

Erel und Reill reflect the relevance of Carroll's adventurous plot in 
contemporay societies. Researching the theme, the artists found themselves 
re-phrasing the title: Malice in Sonderland. Malice, the term describes the 
intention to hurt, to damage, to act in hostility. And Sonderland? Today, what 
is it that best characterizes capitalist societies, what makes these worlds so 
special? Does a "hero" like Alice have to find her way in competitive societies 
where in the end one can succeed only by fighting? Is it possible for her or 
him to find the path in such societies? In performance-oriented societies, 
which choices does the individuum have?

Creating "a brave new world behind the mirror", these and many more questions 
are raised by Korhan Erel and Alexandra Reill on their journey through the 
woven paths of Carroll's Wonderland.

Korhan Erel is one of the most relevant contemporary sound composers of 
Istanbul and founding member of Islak Köpek, a free improvisation group 
internationally known. On his laptop, he combines sound modules, oscillators 
and digital algorithms turning into new instruments themselves. His 
compositions blend industrial and found sounds forming sound textures and 
acoustic collages.

Alexandra Reill is a media artist born in Vienna and at the time being living 
and working in Hamburg. With her label kanonmedia she has been working on media 
performances for years, in her work she often concentrates on sociocultural 
themes and researches the sociological influences of digitalization and the 
information age on human identities. Her digital worlds and live visual 
compositions are characterized by profound thematic research, rhythmic 
dramaturgies and the conscious setting of abstract visual languages.

      MAK-Columned Main Hall, 5, Stubenring 5, A 1010 Vienna

      Admission ? 9,90 incl. MAK-Guide / ? 7,90 / ? 5,50

      Contact for press infos:
      Monika Meryn

      Olivia Harrer

      Christiane Vogl

      Tel. (+43-1) 711 36-229

      Fax (+43-1) 711 36-227

also visit:
ngo for new media
call: ++ 43 -[0] 699 - 1- 820 70 03
write to: a 1070 vienna, 12/24, richtergasse
mail to: alexandra.reill [at] 
ask for: alexandra reill
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