more info on:

FakePress, Art is Open Source and The Hub Roma

in collaboration with

the “Multimedia Technologies and Communications Experimentations” course at
the “Ludovico Quaroni” Faculty of Architecture at Rome’s University “La
Sapienza”, Industrial Design Department


the “Management of Non profit Organizations” course at the Faculty of
Economics at the “Tor Vergata” University

are happy to invite you to the lecture:

Squatting Supermarkets/iSee

Artistic fundations, eco-sustainability, market: from Shoptivism to the
Active Consumer.

Who: Oriana Persico and Cary Hendrickson (AOS/FakePress), Dario Carrera and
Ivan Fadini (The Hub Roma/Faculty of Economics, Tor Vergata), Ilaria Bassi,
Vanessa D’Acquisto, Piergiorgio Malfa, Vittoria Mauro (research group at the
“Management of Non Profit Organizations” course, Tor Vergata), Salvatore
Iaconesi (visiting professor)

What: lecture/workshop

Where: Faculty of Architecture “Ludovico Quaroni”, via E.Gianturco 2 (Rome)
– room G 11

When: May 4th, 2010 – from 9am to 12pm

A radical version of a marketplace, a point of sale in augmented reality,
Squatting Supermarkets tells the tale of the evolution of our daily
realities, entering the live and pulsating heart of consumism. Looking at
products on the shelves, choosing, paying, debts, persuasion and seduction,
relations with logos, messages and other people. Buying is an experience
that fills our daily lives, built through images, suggestions and strategies
that are so complex that they systematically evade the perception of the
final user. Technologies can be used to create new spaces for
action/communication, and to overlay them onto our ordinary reality, thus
creating new action/communication spaces, allowing new possibilities for
interaction and fruition: ubiquitous, accessible, emergent and polyphonic,
emotional and relational. Squatting Supermarkets narrates this possibility:
an augmented reality space that is technologically layered to everyday life,
an interstitial marketplace living in squat on the physical and immaterial

On may 4th 2010, from 9am to 12pm,  FakePress’ interaction design lab will
analyze the possibilities for expression and interaction enabled by the
shopping based narratives offered by Squatting Supermarkets under an
artistic/performative point of view and by iSee under the perspectives of
technology and infrastructures.

Additional information

Squatting Supermarkets/iSee is a co-production by FakePress/Art is Open
Source. Special project at the Piemonte Share Festival 2009, winner of the
“Zero Impact Technlogy” prize offered by the Environment Park in Turin.
Squatting Supermarkets/iSee is part of the SMIR project under the artistic
direction of The Sharing: (site available next week)


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