PARTICIPATE in our CROWDSOURCED video and BE a statement for a NEW system <> julakim is not only a singer-songwriter but a person always eager to invite: to invite you _ to activate you _ to be part of _ . this video call^ explains a bit the story behind it. /The video is in German and Spanish, there is subtitling available in English, French, Turkish and Portuguese!

If you are willing to participate and send us a foto or a movie you have to agree to the creative commons license cc by 4.0 and use the form below.

If you have any questions or doubts, don't hesitate to contact us by writing a comments or email me!

If you would like to there is a live video of the song and a good audio version on soundcloud. The text of the song can also be downloaded.

everything can be found on >

Sound Greetings,
julakim <>

engagiert sich für:
schwingVOLLE grenzen
schwungVOLLE wellen
sprungVOLLE schöne
stimmVOLLE töne
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