A brief note on Capital: I just wanted to remind myself of how it is.

Flag flyers of capitalism often say “it’s all capitalism”. From selling your potatoes, to making a horse shoe or shortening the sleeve of a shirt.. to buying and selling shares; it’s all capitalism.


The local green grocer, blacksmith or folk musician, is trying keep, or even put, a roof over her and maybe her family’s head, food in her GOB and pay the friggin’ electrickery bill!

The typical investment banker, big shareholder or underwriter at Lloyds, wants all the above, and wants to accrue vast amounts of wealth so he/she can push her/his penis into the sheaves of bank notes and spunk all over the bone china and wotnot.

That’s the difference.

Simple really.


Make music not art - buy a mandolinnnnn.....!!!! Be a pine tree for a day...!!!

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