On Dec 23, 2016, at 3:41 PM, Julian H. Stacey <j...@berklix.com>
> BTW Later Bill Jollitz back at UCB was author of BSD386 free software
> & articles published in a USA mag. (possibly Byte?) later translated
> in a German mag. (possibly CT ?). There was later a commercial
> offshoot. Somewhere after 2nd patchkit (42 or so?), as feeding
> patches back to Bill didnt work, it was branched to NetBSD or
> FreeBSD. 30 Year old memories, but I'm not sure wikipedia has it
> all & correct, so if you want to correct me, original sources only 

It was published in Dr. Dobb's Journal. IIRC the official name for the release 
was 386BSD. I remember installing on a PC in our lab back at UofT. You had to 
have just the right hardware since it didn't' have a lot of device drivers... 
Lots of people did patches, but there was only one official patch level ... 
Patch level 0.1 ?!? NetBSD kind of forked from that. I remember some of the 
original crew - Chris, Theo and was it Alistair? That was all back in the days 
of newsgroups. I was getting comp.os.* via a UUCP feed from utzoo. Ah... The 
good old times... 


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