What is best way to figure out memory usage for a set of programs?  (I 
have nine python programs running.)  Do I need to use pmap and have 
something compare what shared memory is used in each and then deduct all 

As far as I understand, the ps output may have duplicated details.

Memory: 583M Act, 158M Inact, 52K Wired, 27M Exec, 660M File, 7248K Free
Swap: 1025M Total, 120M Used, 905M Free

Totals for ps -awwwxo %mem,rss,rsz,tsiz,vsz  are:

15.1 135296 135296 9380 2007060

$ vmstat -s | egrep 'bytes per page|pages manage|pages free$|cached file 
pag|cached executab|swap page'
     4096 bytes per page
   218477 pages managed
     3877 pages free
   166878 cached file pages
     6929 cached executable pages
   262275 swap pages
    30610 swap pages in use

Now to look at my python daemons:

$ ps -awwwxo pid,%mem,rss,rsz,tsiz,vsz,comm | egrep "PID.*COMM|python"
 9866  0.5  4612  4612    8 118244 /usr/pkg/bin/python3.1 
11797  0.5  4460  4460    8 131720 /usr/pkg/bin/python3.1 
 1334  0.6  5052  5052    8 113132 /usr/pkg/bin/python3.1 
 6242  0.5  4600  4600    8 125488 /usr/pkg/bin/python3.1 
 9657  0.9  8448  8448    8 112096 /usr/pkg/bin/python3.1 
14447  0.3  3116  3116    8 128588 /usr/pkg/bin/python3.1 
18240  0.3  2692  2692    8 145024 /usr/pkg/bin/python3.1 
18558  0.5  4860  4860    8 126188 /usr/pkg/bin/python3.1 
19478  0.5  4348  4348    8 134984 /usr/pkg/bin/python3.1

How can I know if the memory use above is accurate or not in regards to 
shared code?

Anyway for pmap to join the output or recognize duplicates?  Or do you 
know of another script to understand the pmap output?  (I see that when 
I look at various processes with pmap -a, that there are overlapping or 
identical Start-End sections.)

I am trying to understand this, as now my three main NetBSD systems are 
nearly always using lots of swap and they are becoming much slower.


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