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Today's Topics:

   1. Unable to see serial number for Linux devices (Shravan Hulyalkar)
--- Begin Message ---
Hello All,

I was able to add the Linux devices after installing SNMP and adding the
correct SNMP settings to the snmpd.conf file.

I have tried adding the different MIBs which i found online on stack

This is the snmpd.conf file.

*# Please see /usr/share/doc/packages/net-snmp/EXAMPLE.conf for a# more
complete example and snmpd.conf(5).## Writing is disabled by default for
security reasons.  If you'd like# to enable it uncomment the rwcommunity
line and change the community# name to something nominally secure (keeping
in mind that this is# transmitted in clear text).# don't use ' < > in
strings for syslocation or syscontact# Note that if you define the
following here you won't be able to change# them with snmpsetsyslocation
Server Roomsyscontact Sysadmin (root@localhost)# These really aren't meant
for production use.  They include all MIBS# and can use considerable
resources.  See snmpd.conf(5) for information# on setting up groups and
limiting MIBS.rocommunity arista systemview included
. systemview included . systemview
included . rwcommunity mysecret*

As you can see here in netdisco its not able to grab the serial number.

System Name cptdevc01n38
Location Server Room
Contact Sysadmin (root@localhost)
Vendor / Model Net-SNMP
 / linux
OS / Version Linux
 / 4.12.14-95.29-default / Net-SNMP 5.7.3
Serial Number
Chassis ID
Description Linux cptdevc01n38 4.12.14-95.29-default #1 SMP Thu Aug 1
15:34:33 UTC 2019 (47e48a4) x86_64
Administration  SSH  Telnet  Web <>
SNMP Class SNMP::Info::Layer3::NetSNMP
Uptime 7 months 19 days 04:10:34
Last Discover 2021-10-05 07:05
Last Arpnip
Last Macsuck
Hardware Status Fan:
PS1 []:
PS2 []:
MAC Address
VTP Domain
In the module inventory its seen like this

[image: Screen Shot 2021-10-05 at 4.06.58 PM.png]

Can someone please help if there are any pointers I need to follow.

Thanks in advance

Shravan Hulyalkar

--- End Message ---
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