On Fri, Dec 30, 2016 at 10:16 AM, Clyde Wildes (cwildes) <cwil...@cisco.com>

> Hi Andy,
> Thanks for taking the time to review the model.
> My comments are inline as [clyde]…
> *From: *netmod <netmod-boun...@ietf.org> on behalf of Andy Bierman <
> a...@yumaworks.com>
> *Date: *Tuesday, December 27, 2016 at 3:04 PM
> *To: *Alex Campbell <alex.campb...@aviatnet.com>
> *Cc: *"netmod@ietf.org" <netmod@ietf.org>
> *Subject: *Re: [netmod] WG Last Call for draft-ietf-netmod-syslog-model-11
> Hi,
> I am also considering an implementation.
> I share the same concerns that Alex has brought up.
> Some detailed comments:
> 1) /syslog/actions: seems like everything is in this container.
>  Why is it needed?  Seems like it could be removed as it serves no purpose
> [clyde] Although this model is currently designated as config only, we
> could add operational data and rpc leaves in the future. The actions
> container is to future-proof the model.
> 2) 8 features: the granularity seems wrong.  The main container for each
> section
>  should have its own if-feature
>       /console
>       /buffer
>       /file
>       /remote
> [clyde] We have gone back and forth on this…some have complained that
> there are too many features. I will be happy to add a feature for each
> action. Note that we studied the implementation of each action by six
> vendors including Linux and opted to not add features for actions
> implemented by at least 3 vendors. Vendors not implementing an action could
> create a deviation.

I prefer 1 mandatory-to-implement and a minimal number of additional


These are all mandatory-to-implement..
IMO only /file should be mandatory-to-implement.

> 3) What is the 'buffer' container for?
>   How is the internal memory accessed by the client?
> [clyde] buffer is implemented by vendors typically for routers capable of
> generating many syslog messages in event-storm bursts. Logging to memory
> (aka buffer) allows the preservation of syslog messages which might
> otherwise be lost.

IMO it should be removed from the draft.
We certainly have changed the IETF NM focus.
In SNMP-land we routinely left the configuration out of scope
and standardized the monitoring.  Now we are standardizing
the configuration and leaving the monitoring out of scope?
I prefer complete standard solutions only.

There is no standard way to access the /console either.
Since the console provides "show log" I really do not see a need for
/buffer at all.

A “show log” command is used to access the buffers. As this model is
> current designed as a configuration only model, there is no operational
> leaves for show log, or rpc leaves for clear log.
> 4) selector-facility: Seems like no-facilities servers the same purpose
>     as an empty facility-list. The choice is not needed; just use the
> facility-list
> [clyde] This was changed as a result of Alex’s feedback – please see my
> response to him. The model will be changed to the following:
>     container selector {
>       description
>         "This container describes the log selector parameters
>          for syslog.";
>       list facility-list {
>         key facility;
>         description
>           "This list describes a collection of syslog
>            facilities and severities.";
>         leaf facility {
>           type union {
>             type identityref {
>               base syslogtypes:syslog-facility;
>             }
>             type enumeration {
>               enum all {
>                 description
>                   "This enum describes the case where all
>                    facilities are requested.";
>               }
>             }
>           }
>           description
>             "The leaf uniquely identifies a syslog facility.";
>         }
>         uses log-severity;
>       }
>       leaf pattern-match {
>         if-feature select-match;
>         type string;
>         description
>           "This leaf desribes a Posix 1003.2 regular expression
>            string that can be used to select a syslog message for
>            logging. The match is performed on the RFC 5424
>            SYSLOG-MSG field.";
>       }
> 5) pattern-match:
>       leaf pattern-match {
>         if-feature select-match;
>         type string;
>         description
>           "This leaf desribes a Posix 1003.2 regular expression
>            string that can be used to select a syslog message for
>            logging. The match is performed on the RFC 5424
>            SYSLOG-MSG field.";
>       }
> The field SYSLOG-MSG is referenced but never defined or listed in
> the terminology section.
> [clyde] This will be fixed in the next draft.
> 6) how are the syslog-facility identities mapped to SYSLOG messages?
> 6a) how to distinguish acme:foo-facility from example:foo-facility in a
> SYSLOG message?
> [clyde] I do not understand your question. The current implementation of
> facilities was designed with the help of several Yang Doctors. The
> requirement is to support the facilities as called out in RFC 5424 as well
> as vendor specific facilities that can be added through augmentation.
> Vendor specific facilities are not meant to be used across multiple vendor
> implementations.

The filter is based on an identityref, which is a module-qualified name,
e.g., acme:foo-facility and example:foo-facility are different entities.
In the syslog message, only the string foo-facility will be present.
The draft claims to provide extensible facilities,(see A.1)  but it only
seems to work if the identities do not contain any duplicates.

> 7) source-interface: what if the server does not let a source interface be
> used and instead
>     normal routing determines the source interface (this leaf is very
> router-centric)
> [clyde] source-interface is optional. If not specified normal routing flow
> would be used.
> 8) signing-options: are these widely deployed on all routers and Linux
> hosts?
> [clyde] Alex Clemm asked that we include syslog signing-options. This is
> implemented by at least Linux rsyslog.
> 9) logrotate: there are several features related to log file cleanup
> allowing lots of
>     server variability and forces the client to support all the options.
> Can't this be simplified
>    and all the micro-behavior YANG features removed?
> [clyde] This was designed by merging the requirements from several
> vendors. All of the variants specified are with if-feature so that the
> client does not have to support all options.

There seems to be some procedures implied by these YANG objects,
but it is not specified.

The 4 different methods (each with its own feature), are in a container.
Since container 'file-rotation' is in list 'log-file', the rotation variant
can be different for every file.  Is this really how implementations work?

Also, the different parameters in this container can interact if the server
supports more than 1 feature.  The draft does not say anything about
combining them.


           leaf number-of-files {
              if-feature file-limit-size;
              type uint32;
                "This leaf specifies the maximum number of log
                 files retained. Specify 1 for implementations
                 that only support one log file.";

How does the client know if the server only supports 1 file or not?
This should really be revisions, since these files are per log-file list

If only 1 revision of the log-file is retained, then the meaning of the
leafs is unclear. If there is only 1 log-file revision, then what happens
if the max-file-size # of megabytes, rollover # of minutes, or retention #
of hours
is reached?  Does syslog monitoring stop for the log-file entry?

How does the client access different revisions of the log file? Or even
list them?
How does the client know the current size of lifetime of the log-file
They do not have names. Is it assumed they will be the log-file/name field
appended with ".1", ".2", etc.?

> 10) numeric limits: there is some odd usage of YANG types; some limits are
> uint64, some uint32,
> some uint16.  Seems like uint32 is sufficient
> [clyde]  The signing-options counts are as per the syslog-sign spec (RFC
> 5848) which is uint16. I will make all others uint32 except for the buffer
> size limit which I will leave at unit64.
> Result:
> <seven signing-options counters> uint16
> buffer-limit-bytes uint64
> buffer-limit-messages uint32 (was formally uint64)
> number-of-files uint32
> max-file-size uint32 (was formally uint64)
> rollover unit32
> retention unit32 (was formally uint16)
> Thanks,
> Clyde


> Andy
> On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 8:16 PM, Alex Campbell <alex.campb...@aviatnet.com>
> wrote:
> I am considering to implement the data model in this draft.
> I have reviewed this draft and found the following issues. In
> approximately decreasing order of severity:
> * In the "selector-facility" choice statement the cases have misleading
> names - the case where no facility is matched is named "facility", and the
> case where specific facilities are matched is named "name". I suggest
> "no-facilities" and "specified-facilities", or similar.
> * I disagree with the premise of the "no-facilities" case, which is that
> it can be used to disable a log action, according to the description:
>      description
>             "This case specifies no facilities will match when
>              comparing the syslog message facility. This is a
>              method that can be used to effectively disable a
>              particular log-action (buffer, file, etc).";
>   If an administrator wants to disable a log action they should do it by
> either removing it from the configuration, or by setting an "enabled" leaf
> to false.
>   With that in mind, there is no reason for the "no-facilities" case to
> exist.
> * What is the behaviour of a selector if neither "no-facilities" nor
> "facility-list" is present?
> * In the "selector" grouping it is not clear how the facility and pattern
> conditions are combined to decide whether a message is selected.
>   Must they both match the message, or is it sufficient for either one to
> match the message?
> * Not all servers have a console; there should be a feature to indicate
> whether logging to the console is supported.
> * Likewise, not all servers may support logging to user sessions.
> * Likewise, not all servers may support a user-accessible filesystem.
> * RFC 5424 states that the severity and protocol values are not normative.
> * It's not clear to me why this needs to be split into two modules. Is it
> so that other modules can define logging parameters but still be usable on
> a device without syslog?
> * "log-severity" defines a severity filter, not a severity, so its name is
> misleading.
> * Perhaps the "severity" type and the facility identities should have
> "reference" statements referring to RFC 5424, rather than referring to it
> in the description.
> * In section "8.2", "admisintrator" is a typo.
> I assume that the means of accessing the memory buffer and log files are
> out of scope of this data model.
> Alex
> ________________________________________
> From: netmod <netmod-boun...@ietf.org> on behalf of Kent Watsen <
> kwat...@juniper.net>
> Sent: Wednesday, 14 December 2016 2:01 p.m.
> To: netmod@ietf.org
> Subject: [netmod] WG Last Call for draft-ietf-netmod-syslog-model-11
> This is a notice to start a two-week NETMOD WG last call for the document:
>     A YANG Data Model for Syslog Configuration
>     https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-netmod-syslog-model-11
> Please indicate your support or concerns by Tuesday, December 27, 2016.
> We are particularly interested in statements of the form:
>   * I have reviewed this draft and found no issues.
>   * I have reviewed this draft and found the following issues: ...
> As well as:
>   * I have implemented the data model in this draft.
>   * I am implementing the data model in this draft.
>   * I am considering to implement the data model in this draft.
>   * I am not considering to implement the data model in this draft.
> Thank you,
> NETMOD WG Chairs
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