On Wed, Aug 4, 2021 at 6:39 AM Jürgen Schönwälder <
j.schoenwael...@jacobs-university.de> wrote:

> The figure in RFC 8342 section 5 documents what was agreed upon
> before. System configuration flows into <operational> but not upwards
> into <running>. Over the years, we discussed several corner cases
> (including things like configuring a new user and the system
> automatically assigns an unused uid, which afterwards needs to be kept
> stable). While there are for sure tricky corner cases, I am not
> convinced that the model defined in RFC 8342 for the general cases is
> wrong and that merging a new system datastore into <running> is the
> right approach. If people want to change the model documented in RFC
> 8342, then they should make an explicit statement about this and
> provide strong reasons that the model is flawed or incomplete.
> Note that the model does allow having a system client merging config
> into <running> (ideally controlled by an ACM so that such a client can
> be turned off if it leads to surprises).

This is a solved problem in proprietary ways.  It is simple to treat system
as an access control issue.

I am quite concerned that NMDA is getting extended in ways that lead to
confusion and poor interoperability.  Adding a new datastore is very
IMO ANY new datastore (even factory default) should be standardized in
a new version of NMDA (replacing RFC 8342).

A datastore has a lot of baggage
   - YANG library
   - YANG XPath evaluation
   - subtree and XPath filtered retrieval
   - usage in RPC operations (ds:datastore data type parameter)

Every time a datastore is added, all the existing RPC operations that use
datastores need to be clarified wrt/ support for the new datastore.
(Of course this is never done, leading to lots of interoperability issues)

I am quite confused by the XPath discussions because XPath can only
access existing nodes (i.e. the "accessible tree")

So what does it mean for the system datastore to contain possible values
cannot be represented in <operational>? The accessible tree cannot include
these values, so XPath-based validation cannot use them.

> /js


> On Wed, Aug 04, 2021 at 12:34:45PM +0000, Kent Watsen wrote:
> >
> > I am confused by the confusion  ;)
> >
> > You all know that JUNOS implemented this concept before YANG was even a
> thing, right?
> >
> > Admittedly, it’s not a “datastore“, but flexing the NMDA is where we can
> do better.
> >
> > A “with-system” mechanism could also work.  The only downside is the
> inability for a client to get only the system configuration, without the
> rest of <running>.
> >
> > Please stop stating/suggesting “config true” nodes are referencing
> “config false” nodes,  or that config is referencing operational state.
> There is no intention to break either of these tenants here.
> >
> > I think that some folks just joined the conversation and may have missed
> out when we covered all this before.
> >
> > The draft needs to be updated to more clearly identify the goals.
> >
> > K.
> >
> >
> >
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> Juergen Schoenwaelder           Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH
> Phone: +49 421 200 3587         Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
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