On 19 Jun 2008, "David J. Ruck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 19 Jun 2008 Chris Terran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > After 4 or 5 repeats of clicking on "Next" (it varies), the whole
> > thing grinds to a halt, with fewer and fewer thumbnails being
> > displayed.
> > Other network problems also start to appear -- Oregano2 sometimes
> > won't start, News Ticker freezes, and NS won't display new pages.
> > Quitting NS seems to reset things.
> Sounds like its eating sockets. My older version of NS uses up to 20
> rendering the pages, but seems to give them back agaim.
> Run !SktCtr (http://www.pittdj.co.uk/software/index.htm to monitor the
> number of free sockets during rendering.

My SARPC, 128MB, RO6.06, NS (17 Jun 2008) r4376, fetched pages 1-12
simultaneously, without any problem. The socket count reduced from 89 to
69, and then returned to 89, when the fetch was complete. NetSurf used
about 10MB of memory. The machine behaved normally throughout.


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