Re: Squashed image problem

2013-04-22 Thread Tim Hill
In article, Richard Porter wrote: I've encountered a minor irritation caused by a stupid web authoring mistake. The RBWM Recycling page at contains two images which are delivered at 2440 x

downloading older development versions

2013-04-22 Thread Tony Moore
Between NetSurf #417 (9 Oct 2012) and #461 (13 Oct 2012), it became impossilbe to log-in to Yahoo webmail because, apparently, redirection failed. I reported the problem but it persists, as of today, in #1083. I

Re: Squashed image problem

2013-04-22 Thread Richard Porter
On 22 Apr 2013 Tim Hill wrote: I have reported this to the council but I won't hold my breath for a correction. Seems okay two days later, Monday. Yes, I've now had a message to say they've resized the images. The problem is that as soon as these images hove into view the page becomes