> The kiwis are writing a lot:
> http://www.aotearoadigitalarts.org.nz/list/by/ISEA
> ISEA by Proxy: Blog Collection 0.1
> ISEA2006Rapporteur
> http://www.eu.socialtext.net/isea2006/
> media arts network [ma-net]
> http://www.ma-net.org/isea.html North West UK
> perspectives.
> CRUMB Crisis Centre http://www.crisistobliss.net/
> Amazing recipes!
> The Observatory http://www.scanz.net.nz/theobservatory/
> Patrick Lichty's perspectives
> http://exoagency.blogspot.com/
> Ken Gregory's Perspectives
> http://cheapmeatdreamsandacorns.blogspot.com/

What other blog are covering ISEA?


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