Re: nettime .edu

2003-10-31 Thread Are Flagan
1. What is the .edu domain? The .edu domain is one of the seven original top-level subdivisions of the Internet Domain Name System (DNS). The .edu domain is intended for accredited post-secondary educational U.S. institutions. It is managed under the authority of the United States Department of

nettime Saddam grabbing PlayStation 2s for weapons

2003-10-28 Thread Are Flagan
Just as the hateful comedy hack Dennis Miller wants to unleash the Nintendo generation in the War on Terror, old stories reemerge to ignite the upcoming cyberwar. Not only did Saddam, allegedly, plan to pilot his experimental heaps of duct tape and balsawood courtesy of Sony, he was to blame for

nettime UN as the anti-Christ

2003-10-24 Thread Are Flagan
Dr. Tim Lahaye, prophet on prophecy and, at best, co-author of his own books, hovers at the very top of the NYT best seller lists for fiction with the Left Behind series about the Rapture. His latest installment (11 so far) of what Americans love to read pits the UN as the body of the

Re: nettime Bush to Unnamed Officials: Shut Up or Else

2003-10-24 Thread Are Flagan
Re: 10/22/03 11:14, Soenke Zehle [EMAIL PROTECTED]: It's the media, stupid. I regularly turn to Comedy Central's Daily Show with John Stewart for the news and tune into CSPAN for moments of high comedy. Press briefings by Scotty are pretty hilarious if you enjoy schizo doubletalk and old

nettime Democracy divided by Corporations = US Elections

2003-10-15 Thread Are Flagan
Anyone interested in expressions of democracy and computers may find this thorough overview very interesting. The facts and figures have been bouncing around for awhile in different features, but The Independent, today, finally put many of them together on the front page online -- as the

Re: nettime Re: Re: New Media Education and Its Discontent

2003-10-07 Thread Are Flagan
Re: 10/6/03 22:02, trebor scholz [EMAIL PROTECTED]: While the style of your text is characterized by the super-confidence that has much in common with what drives the world to despair of America, it also sounds a bit too much like Europeans and intellectuals are old fashioned anti-American

Re: nettime Your question

2003-09-21 Thread Are Flagan
Re: 9/18/03 20:48, t byfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]: is this a rhetorical question? Is it? Mine was certainly a question asked with an answer already in mind, and it may thus be considered redundant or insincere. The fact that it can be threaded by dredging through the archives for an already-made

Re: nettime Your question

2003-09-19 Thread Are Flagan
Re: 9/18/03 23:17, Peter Lunenfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Good question, wrong example. One of the things I've always liked about Lev Manovich's work is precisely the fact that he doesn't quote the same texts over and over again. There's a posse full of academics happy to download Benjamin,

nettime Your question

2003-09-18 Thread Are Flagan
Final sentence from: Lev Manovich, Don't Call it Art: Ars Electronica 2003 Today, when pretty much every artist and cultural producer is widely using computers while also typically being motivated by many other themes and discourses, is it in fact possible that digital art happens everywhere else

Re: nettime openly denied digest [hwang, byfield, cramer]

2003-09-08 Thread Are Flagan
That's all well, but the arguments that so few are affected by it, it can be bypassed, it's barely enforced and so are part of the hibernation period I thought we were emerging from. The same went for all bit-parts of P2P for the longest, in Internet years, time and Australia just got it's first

nettime The United World of America

2003-09-06 Thread Are Flagan
Two world bodies are convening these very days: the UN and the WTO. UN As predicted long before the war, the US is now pressuring the UN to invest in its hapless Iraq venture with cash and/or fresh meat for pointless slaughter, of self and others. Unlike the previous public showdown that had both

Re: nettime siva vaidhyanathan: the new information ecosystem

2003-08-31 Thread Are Flagan
Siva provides a very good overview with most of the usual facts/arguments thrown in (along with some new, to me at least, links). However, it is interesting to note how little this debate (?) has changed over the last years, even throughout the batches periodically reappearing here on nettime.

nettime When Barbie met GI Joe...

2003-07-28 Thread Are Flagan
Bush now has his own talking, but not walking, action figure. The tinny voice box oratory, complete with trademark malapropisms, uncannily echoes the authentic words read off the autocue. The greatest hits obviously include such a nugget as Either you are for us, or you are against us. -af + + +

nettime Pull the other Poll

2003-06-18 Thread Are Flagan
Remember that odd percentage of Americans who believed the 9/11 jets were loaded with _Iraqi_ terrorists? Well here's that same crowd polled again about WMD. Time for a modem giveaway before 2004, perhaps? + + + + + Many Americans Unaware WMD Have Not Been Found

nettime War Economics 101

2003-01-23 Thread Are Flagan
Not being an economist, but intrigued by the buried news that Iraq linked its oil trade to the euro at the expense of the dollar in late 2000, I looked around for some truth to this story. Sure enough, in October of 2000 the UN opened an Iraq account in euro, after Iraq had indicated that it would

Re: nettime Re: One Day Left

2003-01-16 Thread Are Flagan
Re: 1/15/03 1:34, m e t a [EMAIL PROTECTED]: i would be happy to pay for rhizome membership, provided : 1. those whose works are included in the artbase are paid a commission. 2. those whose works, writings, and commentaries are included in the weekly digest are paid for their inclusion.

Re: nettime Tactical Media Conflicting Diagrams (draft chapter)

2003-01-12 Thread Are Flagan
Here's to the mounting MIT publishing monopoly (?): 1. It may be worth noting that the strictly pathological approach (implicitly replicated in your virus treatment) has proven itself to be somewhat useless, even to medicine, and has fallen out of favor all around. Pregnancy is not an illness,