> Hi nettime,
> I am looking for some help and practical information about radio
> transmitters.

Well I know a little about radio transmitters from class, I'm a novice
mechatronics major who happens to be studying electronic design this
semester.  I am attempting to build the Small Radio Telescope and am trying
to become as erudite as possible with a lot of new nomenclature and
to me so I can write grants to build it and maybe start a program of sharing
SRT and eventually optical around the country for smaller colleges.

http://web.haystack.mit.edu/SRT/  Small Radio Telescope project at MIT
http://srtcr.blogspot.com My blog on it

> The problem now is the technical side. I have a degree in industrial
> engineering (electronics), but since my graduation in 1994 I never did
> anything with it and now about 95% of my electronic knowledge has
> evaporated, while the remaining 5% is kind of stale. However, I could
> understand how to build a small radio-station if someone explained it to
> me, or if I found a good handbook, and I know how to solder and stuff.
Ok, you are going to want something else if you are going to leave it other
people's hands.  You want to have someone (maybe your gf) help you create
some operator manuals that include full schematics so if it is ever in need
of repair or if someone wants to duplicate your efforts down there.  This is
the reason my school does not have a SRT anymore.  One semester in the
1980's it broke and the person who made it had left no information about it
so the electronics teachers at the time cannibalized it for parts.

> Apparently, taking into account the local circumstances, the best thing
> would be an AM-transmitter of about 40 to 100 Watts, although FM could
> work too.
> Of course, it is very important that all this is low-cost. A kit would
> be nice, instructions how to build one from scratch would be better.

May I suggest something else if you are going to leave it a remote area
without a lot of access to reatail electronics technology?  Buy some digital
multimeters, cheap ones with 9v batteries.  Like maybe 4-5 of them to leave?

> 3. A good guide/howto (for dummies) on the net would be great.
http://www.electronics-tutorials.com for electronics

http://www.frn.net/tech/  The free radio network workshop (Radio Pirates,

> 4. Some references to handbooks, guides, etc. I can buy would be greatly
> appreciated too.
May I suggest you buy a refresher used electronics book with the multisim
software package in it?  Working on virtual cicruits is a lot easier than
soldering when you want to learn something.

Site seems down but they have a list of books in multiple languages

I don't know any used college bookstores online in europe but Look 8*)

> 5. Any help whatsoever, ideas, remarks, experiences, are very welcome.

I wish you luck.

> Thanks in advance,
> Bart

No problem


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