i take advantage of this short message from steven kovats to bring to the
list's attention an exhibition which, despite the opportunistic theme (and
cheesy title) is a serious cultural overview of the visual culture in the
area. indeed, this could be a good side trip for the Ars Electronica


----- Original Message -----
From: "stephen kovats" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "spectre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 5:36 PM
Subject: [spectre] Viennese BLOOD & HONEY

> Future's In The Balkans
> Curated by Harald Szeemann
> Exhibition period: 16.05. - 28.09.2003
> At "BLOOD & HONEY - FUTUREšS IN THE BALKANS" The Essl Collection is
> presenting the work of 73 artists from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina,
> Bulgaria, Kosovo, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Slovenia,
> Turkey and Serbia-Montenegro.
> One of the biggest and most comprehensive art exhibitions covering the
> greater Balkan area, this exhibition should give a good insight into the
> strong relationship that art has with the political and cultural context
> within this region ... a place that, as the title suggests, is still
> to find its own proper post-Jugoslav, proto-Eurobalkan identity.
> The exhibition runs until the end of September, so anyone stopping over in
> Vienna going to or coming from Ars Electronica may be enticed to stop by
> further info:
> www.sammlung-essl.at
> ammlung Essl Privatstiftung / The Essl Collection
> An der Donau-Au 1
> 3400 Klosterneuburg / Vienna
> Austria / Europe
> Tel: +43-2243-370 50
> Fax: +43-2243-370 50 DW 22
> Opening hours:
> Tue - Sun: 10.00 - 19.00
> Wed: 10.00 - 21.00
> Mon: closed

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