well, i don't know about the sciences taking a hit for art scenario. 
Take Jackie Stevens' analysis of the biotech/PR/culture industry for 
And there are enough ongoing collabs between science-based industry and 
http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/doc_WTD003458.html (for example)
to point to culture's lucrative value for science. Of course, this is 
industrial applications of science i'm referring to, but looking at the 
direction most science departments at research universities are going, 
i'm not sure there's much of a distinction between applied science and 
research. i've also been speaking to people (in art academia) that have 
been approached by scientists (especially from CS) about the need to 
integrate cultural R&D into their programming and the availability of 
new funding sources that are looking for "culturally innovative" 
research projects.
i think the criticism Coco might be making (not to speak for anyone, of 
course), is that the funding for "research" in education coming from 
industry (whether gaming or biotech) is never "no-strings attached." 
you might not be feeling the pull as a grad student at UCSD in art just 
yet, but just wait till the speculative phase gives way. i don't know 
if there will be Ignacio Chapelas in new media
but i think it's extremely naive to think that money's going to pour in 
for critical gaming from the industry without it somehow benefitting 
them. This is a larger issue about influence and economics, of course. 
it's not that this is any different that traditional art world 
financing, or science funding for that matter, that's exactly the 
take care,

On Mar 12, 2005, at 6:28 AM, nettime-l-digest wrote:

> Secondly, in pairing with the sciences in such a brutally obvious way,
> it shows that art has much to gain from such pairings.  Does science
> have much to gain from the art world (in other words, are scientists
> looking for the same grants that artists are?) Of course not. It's
> actually a win-lose situation in art's favor (consider the scientists
> who lose funding to an art/science collaboration).

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