Betreff: Our vision for the .art domain, the issues involved, and what is at stake for the art community
Datum:  Wed, 08 Aug 2012 09:07:06 -0400
Von:    e-flux <>

The .art domain

Visit to
learn more about our vision for the domain, the issues involved, and
what is at stake for the art community.

Dear Colleagues,

As you may already know, e-flux is currently applying for the rights to
administer *.art*, one of many forthcoming top-level domain names that
ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) is releasing with the hope of broadening the space of the internet and making it more legible.

We have developed a new site: **
<> where
you can learn more about our vision for the domain, the issues involved, and what is at stake for the art community.

The top-level domains will bring the internet into a completely new era, and this means that managing the .art domain will be a massive
responsibility with few historical precedents. *Visit our discussion
<> to
contribute your ideas on what you think the domain of art on the
internet should and could be.

Among the many parties that have applied to administer .art, e-flux is
the only one that represents a vast community of people who make, study, and present art to the global public—and we need your support! To grant the domains, ICANN needs to hear from the community of people who gather around these names.

*Between now and August 12, you can submit a public comment
<> to
ICANN to say why you think e-flux deserves this opportunity.**
<> **
<> *The
comments will be considered by independent evaluators and will make a
real difference. Your endorsement comment can include your name, a link, and a little bit about you or your organization. It could also be a short note on how and why e-flux has been important over the years to
you, as an artist, curator, organization, writer, thinker, lover, or
practitioner of art.

Thank you!

*P.S.* We are profoundly thankful for the numerous endorsements and
letters of support we have received so far from museums, art centers,
independent and artist-run spaces, academies, publications, galleries,
international professional associations, and individual artists,
curators, and critics.

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