Re: list student protest demands (last

2015-11-24 Thread t byfield
On 23 Nov 2015, at 23:48, John Hopkins wrote: It's Amurika, so if the students can post a letter-writing animation on Vine it will be deemed a massive strategic success ... clicktivism-clacktivism ... demands for everything from a Gaussian grade distribution skewed hard to A+ A A- to

Re: Worldwide Travel Alert

2015-11-24 Thread Boris Klompus
Well in good news, according to the warning, it appears that all terrorism should be eradicated on February 23, 2016. # distributed via : no commercial use without permission #is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets #

Re: Worldwide Travel Alert: Go back to sleep America

2015-11-24 Thread mp
As Bill Hicks is rolling with laughter in his grave, we turn to Foreign Policy for the sane [sic] view: "...the threat is already inside": "Right-wing extremists in the United States still