Excerpts from the Accelerationist Manifesto:
"We declare that only a Promethean politics of maximal mastery over
society and its environment is capable of either dealing with global
problems or achieving victory over capital."
"We believe it must also include recovering the dreams
Maybe I'm missing something, but exchanging some gold (or BC) for some
oranges or sex does not create a debt relationship. It's unclear how
possessing an asset implies debt.
Debt can exist without any obvious exchange medium in sight. You can owe
somebody oranges, sex, or diamonds. Some of the
Hello Frederic,
1/ on the one hand, you show very well that "there is hardly a system
that is more dependent on� efficiency-optimized global supply chains,
high investments into manufacturing capacities, economics of scale and,
well, the neoliberal economic system as computer electr
Debt is a separate phenomenon, and not necessarily related to
non-fiat currencies, possession does not automatically imply debt,
eg. if I invest my time into digging gold, and find some, who owes
me? Debt is predicated on enforcement capabilities, without which it
does not
If the currency is inflationary, then it's useless as a vehicle for
savings, leaving only local-force-monopoly-backed notion of "property"
as the savings method. If it is not global, it's useless outside the
local fiefdom and subject to whims of the local government.
The above has been observe
some problematic assumptions re. food production and the future. Ample
studies show small plotholder farms to be significantly more productive
per acre than large industrial farms (cf Amartya Sen and many following
him) with a vastly lower ecological footprint. All this aside from large
scale i