After the five hundredth sadistic video, my outrage turns to a colder kind
of rage.

What exactly is going on so that cities spend half their budget on police,
in order to exert systematic racist violence that they used to successfully
cover up until just a few years ago?

It is not just about good cop and bad cop. The answer is much more obvious.
The way we are living 'normally' demands this 'extraordinary' expenditure.
Police constantly murdering black and brown and red people is the price of
the radical inequality that maintains the middle-class tech-happy
lifestyle. This is not different in France or Holland or the UK or in
Beijing or wherever, only the colorwheel spins a little.

It's insane, because life would be a lot better without that particular
lifestyle, I mean the style of extreme inequality, which we kill for many
times over.

Now it feels like a generational choice has been made against it. And
although this is definitely about young people, I also mean a political
generation, that can transform people whatever their age. It is damn
interesting to watch the testimony in the George Floyd trial, because what
you see is just like what happened during the last US elections: people of
this new political generation have decided to tell the professional truth
that they formerly kept to themselves, locked tight under pressure. All the
key experts of the police have testified unequivocally against the killer.
This is entirely new. This wants to be a system.

Only later will we know if such behavior just decorates a feverish moment
in an implacably continuous reality.
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