reading this gives me a very strange feeling
the most influential person I read on my way to adulthood
i and i would never think he'd die, and most probably he didn't.
the first ever print of the forkbomb viral artwork was made for the p0es1s
festival in Berlin 2004
Nous avons le plaisir de partager avec vous l'argumentaire et le programme du
colloque d'hommage à la pensée de Bernard Stiegler "De la philosophie à
l'organologie et au-delà ? Penser le devenir des savoirs dans l'exosomatisation
numérique" – organisé par Anne Alombert, Michal Krzykawski et Fran
Dear Konrad, Geert and Felix.
Free Radio Patapoe wants to dedicate a full hour dedicated to the legacy of
Peter Lamborn Wilson, a.k.a. Hakim Bey. We plan this for tomorrow evening
between 8 and 10 p.m. Amsterdam Time.
Radio Patapoe is an Amsterdam underground station. Formerly as a pirate on