Hey Everyone,

Thanks for sending in some support.  It looks like something worked!

I've heard that most programs will be spared for the time being.


> Dear Nettime,
> The Austrian National radio is in the process of removing multiple cultural 
> programs from its public broadcasting in what looks like a move to flatten 
> the dimension of public programming altogether. 
> The directors are completely cutting projects such as Kunstradio and 
> Zeit-Ton, that have been respectively producing programs of 
> radio/transmission art and new music for decades.
> Started by Heidi Grundmann in the late 80's and directed by Elisabeth 
> Zimmermann since a decade or more, Kunstradio (http://kunstradio.at) is 30+ 
> year old beacon of cultural, experimental, and radical activity on the 
> airwaves and beyond. It is no doubt a space and environment where many 
> nettimers have made projects.
> The late artist and early nettimer, Robert Adrian X, was also heavily 
> involved in the ongoing development of kunstradio online, spearheading early 
> web and streaming projects as well as its web archive (the ongoing retro 
> html1 aesthetic is a salute to his media philosophy and ethics).
> Please consider signing this petition (in German) : https://chng.it/WzFCPgWp
> Also consider writing to oe1.serv...@orf.at to express some discontent.
> read more here (in German): 
> https://www.diepresse.com/6197941/kulturszene-macht-geschlossen-front-gegen-moegliche-kuerzungen-bei-oe1
> https://www.derstandard.at/story/2000139569800/oe1-muss-900-000-euro-einsparen-zeit-ton-jazz-radiohund
> -August.
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