Hello Brian, Mitchel and Vasilis,

   A very good exchange. I share your optimism. Now, as you say Brian, we
   can peer produce even many material goods with CNC machines and 3DPs,
   and even through a global cooperation. Actually, in automation software
   and design are main things, and they can be produced through a global
   cooperation and can be shared globally. So, Brian, you are right in
   this respect. Assume that we can also peer produce enough of solar
   energy. But We cannot peer produce land where we can grow food, build
   houses, though food and houses can be peer produced. We cannot either
   create raw materials. If people share knowledge, it means they share
   their labour, thus they must get free the sources of food, places for
   building, and raw materials too. This means that land with
   all its resources must be transformed into commons. I think making
   nature and land commons again  is the ultimate frontier of peer
   production. But, land is already privatised, and the best parcels are
   owned by multi-nationals. How do we make land and nature commons? I see
   no other way than expropriating land owners. We need at least to
   expropriate the big land owners. Small landowners, I hope, may out of
   their own free wills transform their lands into commons.

   Another  big issue is  the transnational infrastructure. Theoretically,
   we can peer produce our own railways, airlines,  electronic
   communication infrastructure, trains, planes, ships, ...   Then we
   will have two parallel infrastructure one  of peer production and the
   other of capital. However, from the ecological point of view this is
   wrong, because, we will destroy further the nature. So the best
   alternative is to transform the existing infrastructure into commons?
   How do we do this without expropriating multi-nationals? Some people
   may think we that can transform the current state into a partner state
   and the partner state will the job. I doubt it very much. Look at
   Bolivia, Morales was a union organizer and came to power on shoulders
   of huge popular movement. His is a progressive government, but it still
   a hostage to capital. Now, lets hope that Syriza gets part of the state
   power in Greece. Despite, this wish, I think It will not be able to do
   much faced with Mafia  of Greek capitalists and German Banks which are
   another sort of Mafia. If Syriza comes to power, perhaps, and I
   hope, it will offer Mitchel and Vasilis, an opportunity  to  test their
   idea of partner state. Overall, I am also optimist, but think the most
   practical way to establish a peer production society is a social
   revolution which expropriates capitalist and abolish the current state
   and replaces them with peer production of both economy and forms of
   polity. Peer production has its own form of governance, actually it is
   not only a new mode of production but also a new form of governance. I
   dare to say it is not anarchism but is far more democratic than the
   current liberal democracy.



   >>> Brian Holmes <bhcontinentaldr...@gmail.com> 12/30/14 7:10 PM >>>
   Michel, Vasilis, how encouraging to receive your answers. I will read
   the texts you suggest, and I will respond to some of your remarks here.
   For those who are interested in such things, I have surfed the long
   waves myself:


   It is because I have looked into these ideas that I find the pragmatic
   and grounded optimism of the p2p foundation and its many associated
   constellations so useful. Apart from the dubious and compromised

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