[my thoughts/questions about ‘what’s next’ from a long time lurker]

Are we not at war?

While pondering the simulation hypothesis / anticipating the
singularity, and comfortable that the warning of Skynet’s self-awareness
and Orwell’s Oceana did not come true, have we not yet failed to realize
that all of the rhetorical discussions of nettime et.al. have been
weaponized and we are at war.

An asymmetric war, where even though the battlefield is still replete
with kinetics like drone missions and IEDs, the larger frontline is TV
character presidents enabled by troll farms, predictive analytics, great
firewalls and dictator rap videos.

In phase 1 the Californian Ideology was right, technology’s long tail
effect liberates us via global color revolutions! ... but wait… the bad
guys were reading the technical papers too, and so in phase 2 the first
successes of democratic technically facilitated rebellion are now
replaced by more effective consent manufactured by tactical and
strategic manipulation of social/media monopolies (the industrial
military complex).

But… leveraging the matrix for control, means the matrix is still
available for insurrection.

Q - Are we not at (new) war?

Q - Is there hope for some sort of Bernie Sanders, Zeynep Tufekci, Marie
Kondo-esque inspired insurrection?

Q - Where is the best manifesto (or sci-fi elaboration) of that next
(post-color-revolution, post-MAGA) phase?

Q - Who would make a better president, Sarah Conner or Rey?

{apologies for so many media allusions, but hey…]


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