Re: HCI: Human-Computer Insurrection

2019-06-20 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Hello everyone The preprint of *Human-Computer Insurrection: Notes on an Anarchist HCI* is > now available: > Brilliant something that might be linked: in 2017 we brought to the EAD2017 conference a paper which is called "Interface and Data Biopolitics in the Age of Hyperconnectivity. Implicatio

Re: Nettime is in bad shape. Let's see if we can change it.

2019-07-11 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
hi! > Somewhere along the line we as a culture have forgotten the distinction > between > 'technology' and 'services'. A 'technology' is really just a method or > system > for applying knowledge to a problem; any individual or business could > choose to > implement (or commission, or lease, or

Datapoiesis Fall School in Ivrea, Italy

2019-10-21 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Dear friends and colleagues, please excuse me for any crosspostings, we're getting ready for a very important thing for us: the Datapoiesis Fall School in November 25-30 2019 at the ex Olivetti factories in Ivrea, Italy. "Datapoiesis" is a neologism: it

Re: DiEM25 Green Paper on Technological Sovereignty

2020-01-26 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Hello everyone the main limit with all of this (including GDPR and all current institutional actions) is that the extractive and exploitative nature of the data and computation industry are not questioned at all. <> This is a real issue. This equivalence is being promoted so much that it is begi

point of view from a hospital for a brain surgery while cov19

2020-03-12 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Hi everyone again about cov19 Things change, things stay the same: just like 7 years ago, I find myself in an hospital to have a brain surgery (all's fine this time, too) and just like 7 years ago it's super-important to reposition disease in our s

La Cura VS COVID19

2020-03-25 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Hi everyone! (I am reposting this from another mailing list because I think that it can interest many here: sorry if I'm wrong) My cancer decided to came back now I'm fine, don't worry: I have had another surgery that went well, and I'm fully recovering but this synchronicity has been really

Queer Data. Queer AI. Community AI.

2021-02-04 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Hello everyone We have a publication out in which we describe three terms that we think could be important in the near future: Queer Data Queer AI Community AI le

Re: what does monetary value indicate?

2021-03-12 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
The media is the message: you can't escape. In 2017, about the blockchain's capacity of transforming anything into a financial transaction, and its possible effects: The financialization of life also means that anything

Re: Bankers on ecstasy (but is the party over?)

2016-06-19 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
hi! > Of course, not all humans will be out of the loop. The chosen few and tech > elites around them (AKA 'core developers') will stay there and reap the > benefits. The current contest is about who gets to stay in the loop, and > the driving hope is that the unwashed masses will submit to it. >

McLuhan Centennial in Rome: The birth of the Electronic Man

2011-05-25 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
McLuhan Centennial in Rome: The birth of the Electronic Man The birth of the Electronic Man | La nascita dell'Uomo Elettronico [italiano in fondo] *** Something wonderful is about to happen. 100 years after McLuhan?s birth we all have the

Leaf++, augmented reality for leaves, at ISEA, DEOL, Mindtrek

2011-09-09 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
dear friends, if you happen to be around, please consider attending the official presentation of Leaf++, augmented reality for leaves at ISEA 2011 in Istanbul DEOL 2011 in Helsinki Mindtrek 2011 in Tampere Leaf++ is a research project by FakePress Publishing, Art is Open Source and the Univers

RWR, Read/Write Reality: after the workshop on ubiquitous publishing

2011-09-25 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Dear friends, you might be interested in the information about the results of the Read/Write Reality workshop held in Cava de' Tirreni (Italy). During the workshop on ubiquitous publishing and augm

Rome, Oct. 15th

2011-10-16 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD Rome, Oct. 15th, 2011 This short video displays the activity on social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare) during the riots of October 15th which took place in Rome during the local instance of t

Ubiquitous Pompei: the future of the city, created by high school students

2011-12-11 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Ubiquitous Pompei: the future of the city, created by high school students Dear friends and colleagues, we are very happy to inform you about this event: The (digital) future of t

Facebook users on sale at 9.99 euros

2012-02-12 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
this installation might be of interest to you all real-time harvesting of users' emotions, and random users put on sale at 9.99 euros business as usual xDxD # distributed via : no commercial use without p

Maps of Babel at Human Cities: p2p urbanism and ethical issues

2012-03-21 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
this might interest some of us on the list we presented Maps of Babel in Buruxelles at the Human Cities conference, bringing up scenarios through which the digital forms of expression of people in cities using soci

Ubiquitous Pompei becomes Ubiquitous Italy on June 3rd and 4th 2012

2012-06-01 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Hello everyone, something wonderful has happened: with the rise of Open Data and Smart Cities / Smart Communities in the international discussion on the (near) future of our cities, we have been granted the possibility to enhance the Ubiquitous Pompei project we developed a

Knowledge is Natural

2012-08-04 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Knowledge is Natural For Knowledge is Natural, we will be in the beautiful woods of the south of Italy to explore the possibility to re-appropriate sensibiliti

Education is a Commons!

2014-05-30 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
The 7 days of the Near Future of Education, a global and networked event on the Near Future of the Education System. (from June 1st to June 7th, 2014). A full week of open discussions on

Re: The Language of Politics

2014-10-14 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Might be on interest in this: and the resulting idea of the Ubiquitous Commons:

Ubiquitous Commons and Stakhanov at transmediale in Berlin

2015-01-20 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Dear all, sorry for crossposting: I think it could be of interest to many of us here. -- Ubiquitous Commons and Stakhanov at transmediale festival in Berlin. here

Re: Ubiquitous Commons and Stakhanov at transmediale in Berlin

2015-01-22 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Hi Allan and all, > In a nutshell: somebody needs to do some homework and connect the themes > that this conference wants to address with discussions about the commons > from the previous two centuries. it is not a conference, but a workshop in which we will explore the possibility of systematica

Re: The Gentrification of Hacking: How yuppies hacked the

2015-08-12 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
one of the many possible points of view: together with the imagination for a new type of garden, we need a new conception of gardner: âit is hard to imagine which aspect these gardens w

Re: The Gentrification of Hacking: How yuppies hacked the

2015-10-12 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
hi! spot on the topic, in Rome's university La Sapienza yesterday researchers and students were protesting with a peaceful sit-in... against the Maker Faire! on the topic: htt

Antitesi: Wisteria Furibonda.

2021-06-09 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
Dear everyone, allow me to highlight some passages from this news: "Wisteria Furibonda is the new version of Antitesi: the love story between plant and artificial intelligence that unite to fight climate change together with human

The illustrated principles of Nuovo Abitare

2021-08-17 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
The illustrated principles of Nuovo Abitare Some time ago we gave a keynote presentation to Cumulus' Rome gathering called Design Cultures, about the principles of what we're calling Nuovo Abitare which, in our definition, is a substantial part of our contemporary condition, in which so many of ou

NFT: the Brian Eno bandwagon

2021-12-24 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD
hi everyone as you probably have seen Brian Eno has expressed harshly about NFTs: many have expressed in similar ways, while many others see an opportunity here, i wanted to share two article i wrote: one now and the previous one