Title: #freeSZFE
Internet is permanently shutdown at main buildings of prestigious Arts University in Budapest while students protest
The current internet shutdown in the University buildings at Tuesday evening and the lock down of Odry stage, which is used as the main venue of forums within the campus has been ordered  admittedly by the government appointed former military colonel Chancellor Szarka. " I will do all I can in order to make an end of this internal anarchy."- he said.
Gergely Gulyás, cabinet chief of Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán has stated, that the annual budget of the University of Theatre and Film Arts will be doubled by the government, consequently the University may plan with a 3 billion HUF budget (8.3 million euros) next year. As a response the protesting students claim that in the current situation which involves infringement it is unethical to respond with financial offerings.
The demonstrating students announced a protest march for the 23rd of October, on the same day and location as the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, which has began as a student protest.
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