This is a new book curated by Matteo Pasquinelli:

The above link is to Italian version of this exciting volume bringing
togather the Accelerationist Manifesto, reactions to it, and some
reflections relevant to what Toni Negri calls ‘the #Acclerationisty
politics’. Most of the articles are already online in English as well.
Below are some of the articles with links to the English versions:

#Accelerate: Manifesto for an Accelerationist Politics by Alex
Williams and Nick Srnicek

Reflections on the Manifesto for an Accelerationist Politics by Toni

Mattoe Pasquinelli: “To Anticipate and Accelerate: Italian Operaismo
and Reading Marx’s Notion of Organic Composition of Capital”,
Rethinking Marxism journal, vol. 26, n. 2, 2014.

[another good peiece from Pasquinelli: “The Power of Abstraction and
Its Antagonism. On Some Problems Common to Contemporary Neuroscience
and the Theory of Cognitive Capitalism”, Psychopathologies of
Cognitive Capitalism, Part 2. Berlin: Archive Books,  2014.:

Red stack attack! Algorithms, capital and the automation of the common
by Tiziana Terranova:

On this blog [] it possible to
follow other reactions and relevant discussion. Below is a friendly
critique by McKenzie Wark, taken from this blog:

#Celerity: A Critique of the Manifesto for an Accelerationist

To be honest #Accelerationist manifesto sounded to me, at first read,
like a call for a Kautskian and Plekhanovian politics 2.0. Since it
suggests that hunting down of the global networked cognitive
capitalism is possible if we lead it into a future trap; Accelerating
it till it is broken! Though it sounds excitingly good-crazy idea, I
have to say that it has always been hard to accept for me an idea that
suggest that to realize something first, if you want to negate and
transcend it. Even though political imagery says ‘push it harder
towards the cliff.’ It is great and energzing to hear about the anger
and hope such clearly formulated, crying that the time is up to get
away with this maniacal system. However, I find myself partly
sympatyizing with Wark’s strong critics below. I believe that there is
another way to the hack capitalist mode of production:

Here is how I would formulate my Hack, as a part of the code, yet to
be put in algorithmic form:

“Agreeing with many others who think global working class is currently
making it self
through ongoing and intensifying struggles, the form of
self-organisation of the global working classes, in my mind, needs to
be, simultaneously very well grounded, transnational, and global. It
also needs to be open to all the working people, so free [gratis and
accessible] to enter and leave, designed as modularly integrated
organized networks linking workers [including hacker-, academic-,
art-, sex-. ... so on workers],
social-environmental-cultural-informational-sexual justice activists.
Adoptable principles, in form of the ‘code’, which can be
pre-determined, as well as the coding process itself needs to be very
well documented, totally open and accessible to local, workplace,
neighbourhood, issue based, activist or other forms of political
collectives. In a way similar to Anonymous, 15M, Occupy, Gezi. or
other decentralized forms, but with more structured and open working
protocols, as it is in FLOSS projects, or grassroots and worker
cooperatives. It should not be including membership, service,
representation type logics that leads to reproduction of
disempowerment for the involving nodes. It should not be organized by
intellectual activists from outside in, and from top down towards the
working class. With an opposite perspective, it should be designed by
volunteer participation based on self-governing and representation
principles. It should be able to put forward creative, assertive and
effective direct non-violent mass action, which makes fun of and
ridicule the target by allowing the formation of collective
intelligence. Therefore active peer-to-peer self-learninig should be
the core cultural production and learning principle. Instead of having
teachers who must show the right and enlightened road to the candidate
working class members, who needs to get a self-consciousness, a global
and networked labour union should be providing working people with the
access to the tools, resources and key networks that would make self-
empowerment easily possible. By linking spaces where continuous open
exchanges take place and carry the energy from one space to other.
Utilizing How to(s), Do it Yourself and Do it With Others guides, in
online and real world context, by FLOSS communication tools as well as
mass-action tactics it would replace top down (issue-anger-action)
organizing model, which would allow self-articulation, respectful and
collaborative working praxis by harmonized through peer-to-peer
digital communication where possible and desirable, as well as face to
face and secure meetings, cultural and recreational events cultural
events. It should be collaborating with other organizations, creative
and productive projects that undermines capitalist mode of production
and develop the algorithms and codes of alternative modes, as
operating systems that could replace capitalism. Such global network
needs to grow by linking existing radical networks groups of
activists, hackers, organizers, makers, DIY groups, squatters,
eco-willages, diggers, immigrants, asylum seekers, solidarity
networks, and so on. In a way all nodes could associate with the
globally networked ties, while keeping their autonomy. So instead of
#Accelerate motto, i would suggest some thing like:  “All empower one,
one empower all!”

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