Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-12-10 Thread Keith Hart
Well, Ed, that was worth waiting for, as Brian said. It may seem churlish, after your generous remarks, to harp on the one point of apparent difference between us, but I do so because, while I share many of your views on monopoly capitalism and bureaucracy, I believe that sharpening our historical

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-12-10 Thread John Hopkins
ei folks -- To refer back to the title of this thread, why exactly should people reimburse their loans to these Monopolists? What exactly is their moral obligation to Justice and Equality before the Lord God of Almighty Debt? which begs the question, for me, why they decided to participate in

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-12-10 Thread Newmedia
Ed: > The only entities that outflank or can outflank the oligopolies are > the people both in and out of the large bureaucracies who are truth > starved enough to light out, the new distributists: the mariners, > castaways, and renegades. Brilliant -- ain't it the TRUTH (or at least 99% of

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-12-10 Thread Brian Holmes
Ed, you get the prize for the most considered, long-ranging reflection ever performed around a set of nettime posts! Plus I would like to point out in your favor that the Monopoly sector exists, despite the supposed magic of the marketplace, and that yes, indeed, the absence of competition like

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-12-09 Thread Ed Phillips
I've been chewing over and ruminating on this conversation and on some of the posts that Brian Holmes linked to from another list, and I'm asking myself what some of the broad themes are and what kind of idiosyncratic foray I might make that could add to the conversation. Ted always contributes wi

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-23 Thread Keith Hart
Thanks for this, Ted. I enjoyed Mark's rant, although I knew it played to my old fart tendency. It was well-written too. Brian did a great job of reasoning with people of unlike mind. But your post and Ed's (which is on the other half of this split thread) both cranked up the intellectual and poli

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-23 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
I don't have time for a lengthy reply, but I think that most of the responders are missing the thrust of the movement on student debt renunciation. As I've hinted, it, like the Occupy movement itself, has most value as consciousness changing. That's why it's nonsense to criticize the Occupy m

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-23 Thread Ed Phillips
Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far to this thread. I'm not satisfied with any of your responses. Perhaps Brian's come closest, however, to capturing how difficult the situation and the subject is. Mark presents an interesting and, I think, ultimately too one-sided answer. Perhaps he

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-23 Thread t byfield
Unless I missed it, no one in this thread seems to have noted what might be the most significant factor in this ~debate -- that edudebt used to be dischargeable in the US. This was a bete noire of the financial industry, which since the late '70s has pushed to make it inescapable. I remember sus

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-22 Thread Brian Holmes
Thanks for answering, Sascha. It's better to have a debate of ideas. Here's something I think is really important: if we're doing an analysis of the systems and structures responsible for the mess our society is in, don't we need to include "the academy" too? Colleges and universities are (just

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-22 Thread Newmedia
Martha: Living "outside" the LAW means DROPPING *out* of the "system" of WAGE-SLAVERY -- which is the basis of going to college (where little productive is learned) in order to get your "ticket" to the RAT RACE. Why do you need a college degree other than satisfying the "rules" put in p

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-22 Thread John Hopkins
that nails it, Mark -- So, give up your plans for "radical change of the system we live under" and *just* STOP living under that system (at least for the better half of your life)! I recall in the Reagan era, that every time someone would use his name in a critical art work, or radio piece, o

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-22 Thread Newmedia
Martha: To live outside the law, you must be honest . . . Mark Stahlman Brooklyn NY In a message dated 11/22/2011 3:44:08 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: do you feel that the artists' efforts to "occupy museums," and the efforts of union leaders to become part

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-22 Thread Newmedia
Brian: Now you're getting somewhere -- but not nearly far enough! Another 100,000 students defaulting on their loans won't "change the system" but only screw up their "credit ratings," just as it does for the many who default today. They are still *trapped* in the system, which was built

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-22 Thread navva
two tiny remarks in the train of Brian's wonderful, clearly outlined explanation of the reasons to support the debt campaign. Suspension of acquiescence in unjust, indeed, unworkable, rules must be part of any movement for change, and the present, mulitifaceted movement for change seems l

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-22 Thread Sascha D. Freudenheim
I appreciate Brian trying to make a more serious case for the radicalism of this debt "campaign"--and his thoughtfulness deserves a thoughtful reply in kind. So I guess I'd say that... ...I agree with the possibility (though I consider it less likely) that by walking out on debt one sets off a c

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-22 Thread navva
do you feel that the artists' efforts to "occupy museums," and the efforts of union leaders to become part of OWs and call attention to labor demands, are "stealing" the movement? What about the calls to occupy everything, including college campuses? what do you think of the actions of the stu

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-21 Thread Brian Holmes
On 11/21/2011 11:30 AM, Sascha D. Freudenheim wrote: this feels less like a protest of and for the 99% and more like "entitlement" under another name. Sascha, you may or may not be interested in a radical change of the system we live under, but consider the views of someone who is. Student

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-21 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
In this country (US) we agree by law that 18-year-olds do not have the judgement to drink alcoholic beverages, yet we let them join the military possibly to kill or maim or to be killed or maimed and we let them sign up for possibly a lifetime of student debt repayment "of their own free will."

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-21 Thread Morlock Elloi
There are logic flaws here. If system X is found untenable by its subjects because of the demands it imposes on those subjects, then requiring that the departure from X must be conditioned by first fulfilling all these demands first, is ... silly. Incidentally, X does work like Hotel California,

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-21 Thread navva
to demand debt cancellation is a radical demand to shut down the exploitative system in which people are forced to incur debt in order to gain entry to a lifetime of employment. Just as debt relief and writing down of loans was demanded for those who were rooked into impossible mortgages, and the

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-21 Thread Newmedia
Folks: Let's say that *all* the demands of the Debt Campaign were met, that federal taxes were used to provide "free" college education (at public institutions), as a "right and public good" -- then what? Would this do anything about social and economic INEQUALITY? No. Would this do any

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-21 Thread navva
at last some sanity on this. [To Mark Stahlman: When I went to Brooklyn College it was entirely free; now fees are about 10k a year. That's because the state had realized the need for a professional class beofre but esp after the war. When the attendees at public educational institutions be

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-21 Thread Sascha D. Freudenheim
The funny (?) thing is I don't disagree with much of this. Or, to put that in the positive, I agree with a lot of this. At least as far as rhetoric goes. You may see education as a consumer good for which one must pay - I don't agree - but the current system of nearly enforced higher education,

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-21 Thread elise t
Sascha's comments represent a vast and very problematic oversimplification of things. The oversimplification is itself, offensive, seeing as it steamrollers over the actually existing conditions of student loan debt today. So let's go through some of those conditions and issues, shall we? For the s

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-21 Thread John Young
Five fingers up for two pretty good parodies of offendees pretending greviousness. Crossed-arms for the parodies of the deeply serious remembrists and the sagely wise gerontists and the when-we-were-young-idealists nostalgiaists. Ridicule the little fuckers if you can't understand them -- or if y

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-21 Thread Newmedia
Sascha: Exactly! You can't OCCUPY the *moral* high-ground when your own personal "morals" are dubious to idiotic to plain-and-simple selfish. Furthermore, the CAUSES of income-and-rights inequality are not being examined in any depth, so the INTELLIGENCE high-ground isn't being *occupied*

Re: Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-21 Thread Sascha D. Freudenheim
I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous--and offensive. I agree that income inequality is a huge issue in our country. I also agree that the cost of private college/university tuition is (too) high. And certainly one can make a cogent argument that schools (such as NYU, Harvard, etc.) with endowments

Debt Campaign Launch

2011-11-20 Thread Andrew Ross
Occupy Student Debt! National Campaign Launch On Monday, November 21, Occupy Student Debt is launching a national campaign of student debt refusal. This campaign is a response to the student debt crisis and the dependency of U.S. higher education on debt-financin