Apologies for cross-posting, but I had no way to know who had seen this
before...and thought it might help with interest in and discussions of
NFTs, "revolution", etc.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Sean Clark <se...@cuttlefish.com>
Date: Sat, Apr 10, 2021 at 3:39 AM
Subject: [CAS] Update: CAS Talk: NFTs: Smoke and Mirrors or The Future of
Digital Art?
To: <c...@jiscmail.ac.uk>

CAS Talk: NFTs: Smoke and Mirrors or The Future of Digital Art?
Tuesday, April 13th 2021. 7pm (UK time)

You can't have missed all of the chat about NFTs. Smoke and mirrors? Planet
killing technology? Genuine opportunity for digital artists? The Computer
Arts Society will be entering the debate in the first of its new season of
online talks.

The panellists will be:

- Nick Lambert, Chair, The Computer Arts Society
- Fabrizio Poltronieri, Artist and Researcher
- Alex May, Artist
- Sean Clark, Artist and Researcher
- Irini Papadimitriou, Creative Director, Future Everything

Each panellist will give a short introduction then there will be a

Zoom is fully booked, but you can still register for a YouTube live stream

The session will stream on Zoom and the CAS YouTube Channel at:

Please consider donating to the Computer Arts Archive CIC


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