Dear colleagues,

in the spirit of Nettime's "collaborative text filtering", I take the liberty to send this information regarding a text-in-progress about the writing experiment done in the framework of the exhibition Les Immatériaux, "Epreuves d'écriture" (1985). - You will find the introductory abstract below, as well as the link to the PDF of the full text.

I would be curious to get feedback about this attempt to provide a detailed account of the conceptualisation and realisation of this important historical project.

Best regards,



On Epreuves d'écriture, the collaborative writing project of Les Immatériaux

Andreas Broeckmann

When the exhibition Les Immatériaux opened at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris in March 1985, its three-part catalogue contained – beside the Inventaire and Album – a volume entitled Epreuves d'écriture. This 260-page book, whose title translates as "printing proofs", but also as "writing tests", or "the ordeals of writing", was the result of a collaborative writing project that the curatorial team of the exhibition, working at the Centre de Création Industrielle (CCI), had organised in the autumn of 1984. Between October and December 1984, 26 authors – philosophers, scientists, artists, writers – were each equipped with an Olivetti M20 desktop computer, networked through a telephone modem to a central server housed at the CCI, and were invited to write short texts about a set of 50 pre-selected keywords. According to the "rules of the game" (règle du jeu) that they were given, the authors were asked first to propose definitions of the keywords, and then to expand on their own texts, or to comment on those of the other participants. This process resulted in over 500 mostly short texts, many less than ten lines long, which were, after the end of the writing phase, assembled into the first volume of the exhibition catalogue. During this editorial process, some of the texts were additionally adapted for presentation on the public Minitel network. In the exhibition, the project was presented as the central element in the large, final space called the Labyrinthe du langage which comprised a number of screen-based artistic and literary projects. Here the Epreuves d'écriture project could be consulted on five Minitel terminals, positioned in a semi-circle around the centrally displayed Olivetti M24 server.

The Immatériaux exhibition as a whole was curated by the philosopher Jean-François Lyotard and by the design theoretician Thierry Chaput. The Epreuves d'écriture project was based on an idea by Chaput, and was organised by the CCI project manager Nicole Toutcheff, the editor Chantal Noël, and the editorial assistant Elisabeth Gad. Both Chaput and Lyotard took a keen interest in the project and participated in the realisation process.

These basic parameters of the Epreuves d'écriture project have been known and occasionally recounted ever since its first presentation in 1985. Chaput and Lyotard describe the overall plan in their introduction to the catalogue publication, "La raison des épreuves", and in a "Post-scriptum" that Lyotard co-authored with Elisabeth Gad, Chantal Noël and Nicole Toutcheff, the editors offer insights into their experience supervising the writing process, as well as an analysis of the results. The main treatment of the project in the secondary literature can be found in the monographs about Les Immatériaux by Antonia Wunderlich and Francesca Gallo. Wunderlich provides a summary description of the overall project and an account of the evaluation by the editors in the "Post-scriptum". In contrast, Gallo takes a more topical approach and, after a general account of the project, offers a series of short text excerpts which reflect the impact that the new media technologies had on contemporary art and theory, here elucidated through quotations from different authors on the keywords interaction, image, immateriality, interface, and simulation.

The present text recounts for the first time the conceptualisation and the realisation of the Epreuves d'écriture project. It offers a detailed analysis of the contributions by the different authors, and of the interaction between them. The text aims to evaluate the specific significance of the Epreuves d'écriture by providing a contextualisation of the project with regard to other such early examples of network-based and collaborative writing experiments. The text describes the gradual elaboration of the concept which evolved in close conjunction with its technical realisation. The deployed technical network infrastructure and software, both of them specially developed to allow the reading and writing, uploading and downloading of texts by the authors, impacted the shape that the project eventually took. To a similar extent, the specificities and limitations of the Minitel system, its screen size and network conventions, determined the preparation of how visitors to the exhibition encountered the project in the Labyrinthe du langage, or on their Minitel terminals at home. Whereas the sparse secondary literature generally qualifies the Epreuves project as unsuccessful, a closer analysis shows that at least in the contributions of some of the authors we can see the emergence of a mentality of "being online", which makes the writing experiment of Les Immatériaux a "social medium" 'bien avant-la-lettre'.

Full text (PDF, 12 MB) at:

Leuphana Universität Lüneburg       
Dr. habil. Andreas Broeckmann
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