Our Networks, a conference that has traditionally taken place in Toronto,
is doing it's first remote instantiation this year - and the program is
finally launched!

Sessions include:

*Listening to satellites, software definited radio and open weather  ▶︎
Collaborative creation on twitch, github, and more  ▶︎ Workshops on
building your own p2p chat ▶︎ New models for infrastructure ownership,
community care, and collaboration*

Check out the full session list now: https://ournetworks.ca/program/

Our core conference dates are Sept 8-13, and we have tickets available on a
sliding scale from $10-80 here:

We are looking for volunteers (in return for complimentary admission) and
are able to offer a limited number of scholarships, please contact us at

Would love to see you join us! [image: leaves] [image: fallen_leaf]

Artist and Software Engineer
web <https://isthisa.com/> || twitter <https://twitter.com/isthisanart_> ||
insta <https://www.instagram.com/isthisanart/> || git
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