Re: Post-Postism,

2014-03-11 Thread Keith Sanborn
It's sometimes difficult to distinguish between a Luddite geezer (in the Ame rican sense) and a person of age and wisdom with an historical perspective. <...> # distributed via : no commercial use without permission #is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text fil

Re: Post-Postism,

2014-03-11 Thread Keith Hart
Patrick, Thank you for saying so elegantly what I have been thinking for the past 30 years or more. I always felt that the promise of fundamental change was illusory in the 60s and 70s. Things started really moving in the 80s. OK it was neoliberalism, but for the first time I knew that history was


2014-03-10 Thread temp
>I think I'll just say that I have become post-postist. I hear about post-digital/New Media/Internet/Human/etc that I believe that this only succeeds at placing us in a corner of opposition or refusal and makes no suggestions. For all my distrust of it, at least New Aestheticism posited something