Dear nettimers,

Maybe of interest to some here, I've been maintaining the frei0r project for 
over 19 years now: a collective effort to document, make available to use and 
preserve as portable and interoperable as possible a free and open source 
collection of plugins.

The frei0r project welcomes contributions from people passionate about video 
effects. Its collection consists of almost 150 free video plugins made to work 
on any target platform (GNU/Linux, Apple/OSX and MS/Win) without needing 
special video hardware. Anyone can use these plugins to add a wide range of 
effects to video, such as colour correction, blurring, and distortion. People 
use frei0r in live performances, for video editing, in media art installations 
and even for medical visualizations.

The frei0r project is an excellent resource for anyone interested in algorithms 
for video transformation and effects. It provides a wide range of open-source 
formulas available for free and can be easily integrated into various software. 
Frei0r plugins are ready to use inside FFMpeg, KdenLive, Shotcut, Flowblade, 
Pure Data, VeeJay, LiVES, etc.  

I've written a retrospective about frei0r on the occasion of its version 2 
release here:

I hope you enjoy reading it. I also did my best to refresh some history between 
important but somehow omitted parts of media art history like Piksel festival 
and Montevideo/Time-Based Arts.



  Denis "Jaromil" Roio think &do tank
  Ph.D, CTO & founder   software to empower communities
  ✉ Haparandadam 7-A1, 1013AK Amsterdam, NL
  𝄞 crypto κρυπτο крипто क्रिप्टो 加密 التشفير הצפנה
  ⚷ A825C5CE DD02C872 73B35DA5 4ACB7D10

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