Eugenio Tisselli.

The ???e-i-ization??? of everything (including cows)
Posted on 29/02/2012


e-agriculture, e-learning, e-banking (sometimes also m-banking) on one hand??? 
and on the other, iPhones, iPads, iCows. We are living in times where adding 
the e- or i prefix to anything turns it into something new and exciting. In the 
first case, e- stands for electronic, implying that the service in question has 
grown out of its analog phase, and entered a digital one. The i prefix may seem 
a bit less obvious, but it???s really what it seems: i as in I, myself. I 
searched the Internet for the meaning of the i in iPhones, and this is what I 

As announced for the very first iMac that came out in 98???, the ???i??? stood 
for ???Internet, Individual, Instruct, Inform, and Inspire.

And also:

The original imac, released in 1998, was marketed around the concept that it 
was the easiest computer to connect to the internet. in ???98, the internet was 
still something that most people didn???t use regularly, and so the idea of a 
computer that was ???internet ready??? was hip and new. The i stood for 
internet, but it also stood for ???I??? as in ???me???. The imac was designed 
to make the personal computer feel more personal, and make the user feel like 
the computer was working for them, not against them.

So, if there was ever any doubt about how the cult of the individual goes hand 
in hand with digital gadgets, especially those designed and marketed by Apple, 
let it be forever vanquished. And while urban citizens throughout the world 
will hardly find this problematic, we might begin to find some dissonance when 
the i-products are applied to the improvement of rural livelihoods, as in 
e-agriculture. Countless studies show that small-scale, subsistence and rural 
farmers rely on their communities as key elements to their practices: the 
social sphere is inseparable from what they do in the field. Just to provide an 
example: in his book, Zapotec Science, Roberto J Gonz??lez studies the 
traditional idea of "mantenimiento" among the Mixe people in Oaxaca, southern 
Mexico: literally translated as maintenance, it is a broad concept that deals 
with farming, the preparation and consumption of food, and the family???s 
sustenance. It implies a particular vision of
 time: to farm the land, but without exploiting it, so that it can feed us 
today and tomorrow as well. But, quite significantly, Zapotec people also 
understand the relationships within their communities as something to be 
maintained through a practice of reciprocity in which farming and food has a 
central role to play, and thus apply the same concept to their social sphere.

There is also an appization of everything, leading many to think that 
everything can be resolved, or at least improved, using a mobile application. 
This can be seen as a reductio ad "appsurdum" of the "e-i paradigm", and in 
fact reveals the worryingly reductionist worldview held by 

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