Re: nettime subjective math.

2012-09-11 Thread brian carroll
Hello Mark, Thanks for your suggestions. I read the last chapter of Boole's Laws of Thought, Constitution of the Intellect and it was very worthwhile in ways that are beyond words. It also provides a next step for interpretation in connecting logic with ordering, which is essential, if

Re: nettime subjective math.

2012-09-11 Thread Newmedia
Brian: Your ruminations about the problems with the book are very important. Most of human history has been conducted through discussions and conflicts that cannot be put into books. A culture that is locked into books is a very ODD one indeed. This is the topic of McLuhan's !962

Re: nettime subjective math.

2012-09-11 Thread brian carroll
Michael H Goldhaber wrote: How does your approach relate to or differ from Lotfi Zadeh's fuzzy logic? Hello Michael, thanks for your interesting question. I had not heard of Lotfi Zadeh because my path into logic was through individual explorations with the alphabet as a

Re: nettime subjective math .

2012-09-11 Thread Stéphane Mourey
Hi Brian, I feel the same way as you about t the democracy in France, where I'm living, and any other democratic country today, as far I know them. My proposal was not for them, it was an abstract thinking, and the yes/no/neither case was just one case among others you can imagine. Of course, a

nettime 'subjective' 'math' '.' digest [x2: carroll, goldhaber]

2012-09-08 Thread nettime's_influencing_machine
Re: nettime subjective math . brian carroll Michael H Goldhaber - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: brian carroll

Re: nettime subjective math .

2012-09-07 Thread Stéphane Mourey
It's amazing how much and how fast you write! I hardly got the time to read your answer... Your work made me think about an old work of mine. I may completely misunderstand you, but there may be something to think about for you. The point is : To increase freedom, I thought about a system that

Re: nettime subjective math.

2012-09-07 Thread brian carroll
Brian: The severe limitations of logic have been long recognized -- which is why real life doesn't much rely on it. Are you familiar with the Trivium and have you thought much about your system in relation to it? Ultimately, what are you trying to accomplish? Mark Stahlman Brooklyn NY

Re: nettime subjective math .

2012-09-05 Thread brian carroll
Hello, Thanks for the feedback and suggestions... re: How the hell can you ever dream to make us think that you work on anything more people-centric (what ever it means) with comments disabled on you Word Press blog ? 1. [comments] + [wordpress blog] = people-centric This

Re: nettime subjective math

2012-09-04 Thread Stéphane Mourey
Hi, Sorry, I'm too lazy to read the whole thing, but : 1. How the hell can you ever dream to make us think that you work on anything more people-centric (what ever it means) with comments disabled on you Word Press blog ? 2. Do you really think that the difference between binary

nettime subjective math

2012-09-03 Thread brian carroll
(Hello Nettime. This essay is a footnote within a larger essay proposing a future computing infrastructure based on 3-value logic versus binary, as it is today. The result would be moving from an NAS-based model of networking and cloud computing toward an AI-based 'data furnace' model. The