On Sun, Jun 19, 2022 at 09:01:12PM +0300, Slava Monich wrote:
> Hi!
> Are there any objections to adding e.g. BackgroundScanEnabled readwrite
> property to org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.Wireless D-Bus interface?
> The idea is to allow to disable periodic background scans for those WiFi
> interfaces which don't need it. There are use cases for that in the embedded
> world.


if the Wi-Fi connection profile is locked to a specific BSSID, that
disables periodic scanning while connected. Is this a suitable
solution for your use case?  Or, what is the use case?

If we want to make this behavior configurable, perhaps it should be in
the connection profile and not on the device D-Bus object, so that the
property can be changed persistently and it depends on the network.

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