I've been struggling with openvpn and NM for some time now.  I previously wrote to the list with troubles that I thought were related to using cacert.org.  I have now became my own CA and created my own certs to use.  

I'm able to make the connection without using NM, but with NM-openvpn it seems to die with an error.  Could someone describe how to put NM-openvpn into debug mode to find out a little more about whats going wrong here?

May 16 00:35:51 localhost NetworkManager: <information>^IWill activate VPN connection 'MotoMarioG VPN', service 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openvpn', user_name 'supermario', vpn_data 'connection-type / x509 / dev / tap / remote / / proto / udp / ca / /etc/openvpn/ca.crt / cert / /etc/openvpn/client1.crt / key / /etc/openvpn/client1.key / comp-lzo / no / shared-key /  / local-ip /  / remote-ip /  / username / ', route ''.
May 16 00:35:51 localhost NetworkManager: <information>^IVPN Activation (MotoMarioG VPN) Stage 1 of 4 (Connection Prepare) scheduled...
May 16 00:35:51 localhost NetworkManager: <information>^IVPN Activation (MotoMarioG VPN) Stage 1 of 4 (Connection Prepare) ran VPN service daemon org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openvpn (PID 19296)
May 16 00:35:51 localhost NetworkManager: <information>^IVPN Activation (MotoMarioG VPN) Stage 1 of 4 (Connection Prepare) complete.
May 16 00:35:51 localhost NetworkManager: <information>^IVPN Activation (MotoMarioG VPN) Stage 2 of 4 (Connection Prepare Wait) scheduled...
May 16 00:35:51 localhost NetworkManager: <information>^IVPN service 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openvpn' signaled state change 1 -> 6.
May 16 00:35:51 localhost NetworkManager: <information>^IVPN Activation (MotoMarioG VPN) Stage 2 of 4 (Connection Prepare Wait) waiting...
May 16 00:35:51 localhost NetworkManager: <information>^IVPN Activation (MotoMarioG VPN) Stage 2 of 4 (Connection Prepare Wait) complete.
May 16 00:35:51 localhost NetworkManager: <information>^IVPN Activation (MotoMarioG VPN) Stage 3 of 4 (Connect) scheduled...
May 16 00:35:51 localhost NetworkManager: <information>^IVPN Activation (MotoMarioG VPN) Stage 3 of 4 (Connect) sending connect request.
May 16 00:35:51 localhost NetworkManager: <information>^IVPN Activation (MotoMarioG VPN) Stage 3 of 4 (Connect) request sent, waiting for reply...
May 16 00:35:51 localhost NetworkManager: <information>^IVPN service 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openvpn' signaled state change 6 -> 3.
May 16 00:35:51 localhost NetworkManager: <information>^IVPN Activation (MotoMarioG VPN) Stage 3 of 4 (Connect) reply received.
May 16 00:35:51 localhost NetworkManager: <information>^IVPN Activation (MotoMarioG VPN) Stage 4 of 4 (IP Config Get) timeout scheduled...
May 16 00:35:51 localhost NetworkManager: <information>^IVPN Activation (MotoMarioG VPN) Stage 3 of 4 (Connect) complete, waiting for IP configuration...
May 16 00:35:51 localhost nm-openvpn[19299]: OpenVPN 2.0.6 i486-pc-linux-gnu [SSL] [LZO] [EPOLL] built on Apr 10 2006
May 16 00:35:51 localhost nm-openvpn[19299]: UDPv4 link local: [undef]
May 16 00:35:51 localhost nm-openvpn[19299]: UDPv4 link remote:
May 16 00:35:52 localhost nm-openvpn[19299]: [mythweb.homeip.net] Peer Connection Initiated with
May 16 00:35:54 localhost nm-openvpn[19299]: TUN/TAP device tap0 opened
May 16 00:35:54 localhost nm-openvpn[19299]: ifconfig tap0 netmask mtu 1500 broadcast
May 16 00:35:54 localhost nm-openvpn[19299]: /usr/bin/nm-openvpn-service-openvpn-helper tap0 1500 1573 init
May 16 00:35:54 localhost nm-openvpn[19299]: script failed: shell command did not exit normally
May 16 00:35:54 localhost nm-openvpn[19299]: Exiting
May 16 00:35:54 localhost NetworkManager: <WARNING>^I nm_vpn_service_process_signal (): VPN failed for service ' org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openvpn', signal 'ConnectFailed', with message 'The VPN login failed because the VPN program could not connect to the VPN server.'.
May 16 00:35:54 localhost NetworkManager: <information>^IVPN service ' org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openvpn' signaled state change 3 -> 6.
May 16 00:35:54 localhost NetworkManager: <WARNING>^I nm_vpn_service_stop_connection (): (VPN Service org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openvpn ): could not stop connection 'MotoMarioG VPN' because service was 6.

It appears I actually get authenticated, get my IP and all that fun news, it must be failing at some command that it is receiving related to routing is my best guess, but until I know how to debug it - I won't really know. 

I'm using the linux2go packages posted on Ubuntu dapper forums & Ubuntu launchpad (their version of bugzilla).


Mario Limonciello

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