RAM will be the next thing.  I changed graphics cards to a Cirrus Logic 
GD5429 with 1 meg memory.  I can start X and use DrakConf without it 
freezing now.  Except the display is all screwed up.  The screen shows up 
on only the lower half of my monitor and the icons are really big.  I tried 
changing settings in XF86Config-4 for screen resolution but that didn't 
help.  I'm reinstalling Linux with the different card now.  So, I'll see if 
that fixes it.  Thanks
At 10:58 AM 2/17/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Is it feasible to add some more RAM? You are right at the minimum for an
>X system -- another 32 mb would make a big difference. Is there lots of
>HD activity whenever you start an application? You should also start
>with minimum screen resolution, and work up from there.

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